

Super VIP
SifTeam 1.9.3C 500MV

Usable to flash
* Enigma of: 18.12.2008
* Linux version 2.6.9
* GCC 3.4.4 Original CVS
* Web Interface: 6.0.2-Expert
* Busybox 1.01
* Tuxtxt v. 1.99

ALL DECODER ( same options not present to Qbox-one 
- IPBOX200s - DM500 - DM500+ - DM5620 ):
* 1 x BLUE        = Emu Panel
* 1 x Yellow      = Plugins
* 1 x Green       = Addons Panel
* 1 x Red         = EPG ( settable from Control Pannel )
* BLUE   > 1 sec  = Control Panel    ( new version "visual" )
* Yellow > 1 sec. = Personal Plugin  ( settable from Control Pannel )
* Green  > 1 sec. = Personal Plugin  ( settable from Control Pannel )

* Advanced MINICROND system configuration, with more script
  added (restart cam, restart openvpn ecc..)
* Advanced FIREWALL with graphics start/stop/configuration
* Advanced HDD with graphics configuration
* Advanced SWAP with graphics start/stop/configuration
* Advanced OPENVPN with graphics start/stop/configuration
  (have to install online package)
* Advanced DROPBEARSSH with graphics start/stop/configuration 
  (have to install online package)
* Advanced INADYN-DNS with graphics start/stop/configuration
* Advanced NFS with graphics start/stop/configuration (have to install 
  online package)
* Settable PICON directory
* Automount HDD USB CF
* Advanced SCRIPT options for personal set ( name to button is modifiable 
  from Control Panel)
* Formatting USB ( into 500 and 200 not have USB option, have manage 
  remote control and free memory)
* Advanced EPG options (is possible set personal EPG from Control 
  Panel or use standard EPG)
* Advanced Manage of Button Yellow and Green, is possible add one 
  plugin to this buttons
* Simple BACKUP with graphics start/stop/configuration (for save one dir. 
  to extern support)
* Advanced SAMBA with graphics start/stop/configuration (7020 - 600pvr 
  - 500plus have samba installed from default)
* Color set to RGB from default ( for lcd TV)
* Inserted DM7020 Network Fix
* Reiserfs and VFAT supported
* Synchronize date from Internet
* WebIf information ( with reload option)
* New Button for second url (for download personel addons)
* Autostandby if decoder turn off in bad mode (crash power ecc..)

[B]Display Function:[/B]
* Set zap without OSD (if press OK return OSD)
* Set OSD always on when OK is pressed (required from nokia9k8)
* Display Snr, Agc, Ber
* Display video information
* Display frequency, polarization, symbol rate
* Display emu in use
* Display service providers name
* Display CaID, ProvID, PID (you can hide from options)
* Display Decoding Source (you can hide from options)
* Picon, already inserted to enigma code  (thanks to jlmota)
* SkinPreview  (thanks to jlmota)
* Skin Lite/Full, when Lite ..if no OSD present, and press OK see Full 
  (thanks to tension for help)
* Emu Panel now have image with icon report of decode
* Fulltime
* Analogic Clock
* Move OSD (thanks to tension9000)
* Always 16:9 settable in all decoder
* Time visible in screen
* Name channel visible in screen

* Set Default CAM
* Set channel CAM
* Set provider CAM
* Stop active CAM

* Internet addons download
* Manual addons install
* Remove installed addons

* Italian, English language
* Many language in download
* Picon for -skyit+italian channel- is already installed
* Several Plugins/Games/Addons installed
* IPBOX200S have UHF in/out
* IPBOX200S ...for free memory (if is necessary):
 1) Go to free channel
 2) Click to "Free Memory" is possible to start/stop install/remove visualize script ecc..
* For use your personal Addons server, create file:
  /var/etc/SifTeam/tmp/url2 (that it contains your link)
  after, into server have write your cpanel-dream.xml (for dream decoder)
  or cpanel-ipbox.xml (for ipbox decoder), that contains your packages
  (for simple system, download cpanel*.xml from sifteam URL)

See Yellow from Control Panel for other help into this work.
All IPBOX > ..special thanks to sandali for its branch of development ..
and Blakskettle for any info.
FOR ALL   > porto, MaxZ4, tension9000, jlmota ..and other?

Thanks to all and good fun :)

This image is based, beyond that my "much" code and hard work, 
to Dream-cvs, parts of old Hydra 
source (EMU/ADDONS ...emubroker is this) ...and other?




CCcam 2.0.11
Mgcamd 1.31

CCcam Info
TuxBox Commander
WeekEPG 3.1b

Vhannibal Dual Feed 15-02-09

key Incluse

BY_ °°ANTR@G°°​°°ANTR@G°°


Staff member
Super Moderator
SifTeam 1.9.3D Dm500

Relativo all'immagine 1.9.3D

Coder: ngc1927
Betatester and friends:
genge = Ipbox200 - Qbox
frog68 = Dm500
neri73 = Dm7000S - Qbox
voodo3 = Qbox
theseven = Dm500s - Dm7020s
black33 = Dm600pvr
biondo79 = Ipbox250s - DM500s - DM600PVR
piefav = Dm7020
sasulini = Dpbox350 - Qbox - Manuale Utente
Gerryg = Ipbox350
Renderman= Bootlogo
Cupidz = Ipbox200 - Ipbox350
Killer = Qbox
Getdownup= IPbox350
Costa46 = Qbox - Ipbox250 -English/Changelog
badwolf = Ipbox350
porto = Skin
rrotan = skin betatester

1) Cambiato il CVS alla versione 13.02.2009 (con supporto a piu' file audio, .ogg ecc..)
2) Nel parental Control si puo' bloccare l'accesso al pannello EMU
3) In tutte le versioni sono presenti i comandi "ifup" e "ifdown"
4) Per guadagnare spazio sono stati rimossi:
"streamts" deve installare dal pannello
il secondo boot-logo puo' installare dal pannello
5) Si puo' scegliere di non eliminare i pacchetti scaricati (menu' avanzato)
6) Aggiornato la libreria (a tutti i modelli, ex: samba non funzionava piu')
7) Modificato script avvio Qbox-one (ora il wifi si riavvia bene)
8) Nel 200 e' stato inserito l'eseguibile e diverse librerie dell'openvpn
9) Aggiunto nel pannello la possibilita' di montare un disco esterno USB


Well Known Member
SifTeam 1.9.3d 500/500+

About the new image 1.9.3D

Coder: ngc1927

Help from: tension9000 - MaxZ4
Betatester and friends:
genge    = Ipbox200 - Qbox
frog68   = Dm500
neri73   = Dm7000S - Qbox
voodo3   = Qbox
theseven = Dm500s - Dm7020s
black33  = Dm600pvr
biondo79 = Ipbox250s - DM500s - DM600PVR
piefav   = Dm7020
sasulini = Dpbox350 - Qbox - Manuale Utente
Gerryg   = Ipbox350
Renderman= Bootlogo
Cupidz   = Ipbox200 - Ipbox350
Killer   = Qbox
Getdownup= IPbox350
Costa46  = Qbox - Ipbox250 -English/Changelog
badwolf  = Ipbox350
porto    = Skin



- CVS updated to 13.02.2009(more audio files are supported)
- Now you can block ,trought parental control,the access to emu panel
- commands 'ifup' and 'ifdown' are available
- Removed:"streamts" that is available on online panel
the second bootlogo is available also by online panel
removed(only on ipbox versions)some files...they are always available online
- You are now able to left downloaded addons(advanced menu)
- updated
- start script of qbox one fixed(wifi won't lose settings at reboot)
- 200 image has already buil-in executable and any library of openvpn
-you can mount an external hdd on qbox(added option on advanced panel)

Enjoy Sif-team fans ;)




CCcam 2.0.11

Mgcamd 1.31

Setting Vhannibal Dual Feed

Language English Italiano








Relativo all'immagine 1.9.3E

Coder: ngc1927
Betatester and friends:
genge = Ipbox200 - Qbox
frog68 = Dm500
neri73 = Dm7000S - Qbox
voodo3 = Qbox
theseven = Dm500s - Dm7020s
black33 = Dm600pvr
biondo79 = Ipbox250s - DM500s - DM600PVR
piefav = Dm7020
Gerryg = Ipbox350
Renderman = Bootlogo
Killer = Qbox
Getdownup = IPbox350
Costa46 = Qbox - Ipbox250 -English/Changelog - Addon panel
badwolf = Ipbox350 - Addon panel
morpheus883 = Dm500s
porto = Skin
rrotan = skin betatester
nikolasi = skin

1) Changed the CVS version 5.04.2009
2) Submitted by default Apache Little in all images
3) restored "streamts"
4) Removed avahi / zeroconf IP problem for 169th (some models)
5) Removed dall'orologio the seconds on the screen, to be re-telnet to:
echo 1> / var / etc / SifTeam / conf / SecOraOSD





CCcam Info



Total Footbal

TuxBox Commander

Settings Vhannibal Dual Feed

Good Fun !!



Staff member
Backup_SifTeam-2.1.2 1.9.3E 500s s-27.07.2009 AfaC

	Backup_SifTeam-2.1.2 ÖZEL BACKUP 1.9.3E 500s s-27.07.2009 Afacan for NoTimeBomp ccam * 
Backup and test these days the forum was created. 
There is no Backupta ABSOLUTELY TimeBomp 
However, I suggest you get your backup before the installation ... 
After installation, your backup Cccam.cfg var / etc is enough to throw into .. 
load an image without any backupu your device will be opened. 
menu language is English ce 

Devil skin as sif team is installed.

Yellow key to plug-ins 
Dreambox hurforum news and newspapers, 
CCcam info v1.1, keydownload, TuxBox Commander, softcamdowload, 
Total Football, plugins added. 
Turkish will teletex
Last edited:


Update : SifTeam-1.9.3E DM500MV BlackShown CCcam2.1.2 mod Borsalino 28.08.09

hi all
Update : my new modefecation image of SifTeam-1.9.3E DM500MV BlackShown CCcam2.1.2 mod Borsalino 28.08.09
the new: emu Cccam_2.1.2 inside and the integration of the image and big var and new skins

New in this imege
-new bootlogo 
-Emu: [FONT="Arial Black"]CCcam 2.1.2 inside [/FONT](start with image..and Work automatically )
-please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc withe ftp
-add ECMinfo new for CCcam (Yellow Button)
-add nagrab recording in image 
-teltext ok
-Changed the original skins withe the new skin BlackShown Sif by Borsalino 28.08.2009
-delet old skins
-Now you can change the form of a channel presntation withe button help
-only english longage in demarge
-all longage ok 
-add option DVR withe help botton
-big var naw [FONT="Arial Black"]83%[/FONT] Free espace
-font size add
-Fast image to open channels with Cccam2.1.2
-send this image withe [FONT="Arial Black"]dreamup[/FONT] or [FONT="Arial Black"]falshwizare[/FONT]
-here screenshote


Staff member
SifTeam-1.9.3E DM500 BlackShown CCcam2.1.2 Borsalino & AFACAN* backup 30.08.09

Backup created and tested this day was given to the forum. 
Backupta absolutely no TimeBomp 
Nevertheless, responsibility does not accept responsibility until aittir.Forumumuz. 

I recommend you take before you install your spare ... 
After installation your spare Cccam.cfg var / etc you can simply throw into .. 
There is no language is available türkçe Turkish language backupda 

Your device will be opened the following illustrate backupu install.

	This new feature will see backupta. 
The channel list or sub-sub-control key to HELP you can do side by side. 
Password: do not do it yourself 
and also here you can write a comment about backup kolay gelsin 

If you like the install.


Staff member

About the new image 1.9.4

Coder: ngc1927

Help from: tension9000 - MaxZ4

Betatester and friends:
Badwolf = Dm7020s - ipbox350
theseven = Dm7020s
biondo79 = Ipbox250s - DM500s - DM600PVR
Costa46 = Qbox-one - Ipbox250
Morpheus883 = Dm500s
nikolasi = Ipbox200s - Ipbox250s - skinner
getdownup = IPBox250 - DM500s
frog68 = Unixbox500
zio = Dm500s - dm7000
piefav = Dm7020s
genge = Qbox-one
rrotan = skinner
arken = new boot logo



1) CVS updated to 26.07.2009
2) Now you are able to see info about packs,enable the function trought advanced panel
3) Now you can see the latest packs and updates available on our panel
4) Changed webif and boot images
5) Some changes on code
6) UPNP is available (SERVER/CLIENT)
7) Moved vsftpd.conf in /var/etc/
8) New flashes of qbox one are now ok
9) Qbox manager updated(some fixes on dtt)
10) Two new skins by nikolasi sifteam_red e sifteam_blu (thx)
11) Added Black_Matrix gold by MX mod_RG (thanks matrix) modded by rroatan
12) Added skin Army omega black (thanks army)
13) Added all_languages for sifteam 1.9.4
14) Added and fixed Multiview pack

For the version ipbox-200@64mb you must:

1)install the normal img for ipbox200
2)install "serial_uboot_64.img"

both with flashtools or Flasher

* About Programs:
For all sifteam images, on /var/etc/rcS.d/ you can choose a program to start(there are already some commented examples..remove "#" to active them)

To enter in Control Panel from Emu panel you can press the yellow button (added also on webif)
The menu Script can be opened from Control panel pressing 0(zero)

To change the positions of Channel name or Clock you can modified by telnet the values
(Horizontal)(50 & 80 are the default values)
echo 50 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/altOraOSD
echo 80 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/altCanaleOSD
(Vertical)(10 is the default value)
echo 10 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/oriOraOSD
echo 10 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/oriCanaleOSD


If the following message appear "..curl_global_init.."...please restart enigma(Menu-5-restart enigma)

* The option Move OSD is no longer available but you can install it as external plugin
To use the old /Var you should edit the file /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/config
and change the text "s:/ezap/ui/skin=/share/tuxbox/enigma/skins/golden.esml" in

** The Q-box has not all the functions of the other boxes...for example to open the Control Panel you must press blue>yellow

Enjoy Sif-team fans ;)


Staff member


1) CVS updated to 26.07.2009
2) Now you are able to see info about packs,enable the function trought advanced panel
3) Now you can see the latest packs and updates available on our panel
4) Changed webif and boot images
5) Some changes on code
6) UPNP is available (SERVER/CLIENT)
7) Moved vsftpd.conf in /var/etc/
8) New flashes of qbox one are now ok
9) Qbox manager updated(some fixes on dtt)
10) Two new skins by nikolasi sifteam_red e sifteam_blu (thx)
11) Added Black_Matrix gold by MX mod_RG (thanks matrix) modded by rroatan
12) Added skin Army omega black (thanks army)
13) Added all_languages for sifteam 1.9.4
14) Added and fixed Multiview pack

For the version ipbox-200@64mb you must:

1)install the normal img for ipbox200
2)install "serial_uboot_64.img"

both with flashtools or Flasher

* About Programs:
For all sifteam images, on /var/etc/rcS.d/ you can choose a program to start(there are already some commented examples..remove "#" to active them)

To enter in Control Panel from Emu panel you can press the yellow button (added also on webif)
The menu Script can be opened from Control panel pressing 0(zero)

To change the positions of Channel name or Clock you can modified by telnet the values
(Horizontal)(50 & 80 are the default values)
echo 50 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/altOraOSD
echo 80 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/altCanaleOSD
(Vertical)(10 is the default value)
echo 10 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/oriOraOSD
echo 10 > /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/oriCanaleOSD


If the following message appear "..curl_global_init.."...please restart enigma(Menu-5-restart enigma)

* The option Move OSD is no longer available but you can install it as external plugin
To use the old /Var you should edit the file /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/config
and change the text "s:/ezap/ui/skin=/share/tuxbox/enigma/skins/golden.esml" in

** The Q-box has not all the functions of the other boxes...for example to open the Control Panel you must press blue>yellow

Enjoy Sif-team fans ;)


Staff member
Sifteam.1.94.full.pulugin.cccam.2.1.2.falcon.bacup .13.09.09

Sifteam.1.94.full.pulugin.cccam.2.1.2.falcon.bacup .13.09.09

  • Teletext is Turkish
  • skin: rihana blue
  • the film has held master puligininde bosiyak tv channels are used
  • Thanks for puligin master b


Marching On Together !
Staff member
Sifteam 1.9.4 CCcam 2.1.1+Newcs 1.66 Full Motor DM500 Backup By Ferret

Sifteam 1.9.4 DM500 CCcam 2.1.1+NewCs 1.66 Full Motor Backup By Ferret

A fully configured image ready for any motorised system.

Use DreamUP Only To Flash This Image

ATTENTION MOTOR IMAGE: GotoX is turned off to avoid your motor moving after flashing leave the lnb cable out start your Dreambox and configure GotoX with your usuals coordinates and save. Shutdown and reconnect you LNB cable.

Based On Sifteam 1.9.4.

Default Language English.

Defalut Skin .


EMU Installed.

CCcam 2.1.1+NewCs 1.66 CCcam 2.1.1 used as this is the latest stable CCcam.

CCcam Config simplified and usable mod by Ferret.

Plug-ins-Addons Installed.

CCcam info
Needs Configuring to run your IP ect.

Full Motor Channel List With Favourites Bouquets For Most Providers Added by Ferret & MikeP


Modified image to give improved channel list view in a 3 row format.


Hope this is of some use to newbies or member in a hurry :thum:

Tested 24hrs on Original & Clone DM500 :thum:



Staff member
DM-500s sifteam.1.94 cccam 2.1.1.AFACAN* bacKup .15.09.2009

DM-500S sifteam.1.94 * Backup .15.09.2009 CCcam 2.1.1.AFACAN 
Backup created this day was given 3 days to test the forum. 
Backupta absolutely no TimeBomp 
Nevertheless, responsibility does not accept responsibility until aittir.Forumumuz. 
I recommend you take before you install your spare ... 
Caution Do not download without reading the articles from here 
After installation your spare Cccam.cfg var / etc you can simply throw into .. 
I would first open Trtler pressing trt3 ecm information comes 
I am returning TRT1 channel opens 
Turkish language will be opened with backup 
Your device will be opened the following illustrate backupu install.


Staff member
DREAMBOX-500s sifteam.1.94 cccam 2.1.3 AFACAN* bacKup .19.11.2009

CCcam 2.1.3 Dreambox-500S AFACAN sifteam.1.94 * Backup .19.11.2009
Please read fully before it may write then do not download!

trt game is open for the time
ecm information when I first pressing trt3
I am returning TRT1 channel opens
and is open NTVSPOR buyurun ntv
After the first feed ntvspora basıyoruz ntvspor DHA,
assembly tv, rustavi2, open bazgiret tv.
tested opened lunch is provided

After installation your spare Cccam.cfg var / etc you can simply throw into ..
Backup created these days are tested in the forum was given.
Backupta absolutely no TimeBomp
Nevertheless, the responsibility lies with installation.
Our forum does not accept responsibility.
I recommend you take before you install your spare ...
I recommend you take before you install your spare ...
Turkish language will be opened with backup
Your device will be opened the following illustrate backupu install.


Well Known Member
Dreambox 500 Beckup Oscam+CCcam

DM-500 Beckup Oscam+CCcam

Imagine: SifTeam

Script Imagine: Original

Setting: Mono

EmuScript: Oscam+CCcam (Original RuBeN Created)

Work & Tested NDS2

Imagine:No Bomb!

Beckup: 25.11.2009


Well Known Member
Dreambox 500 Beckup Oscam+CCcam [26.11.2009]

DM-500 Beckup Oscam+CCcam

Imagine: SifTeam

Script Imagine: Original

Setting: Mono

EmuScript: Oscam+CCcam (Original RuBeN Created)

Work & Tested NDS2

Max var 54%

Imagine:No Bomb!

Beckup V2: 26.11.2009



If anyone wants to pass the time (during holidays) to play with your receiver, can 'prove the image 1.9.4C, is issued as a Christmas

not tested