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  • Hi I installed the latest enigma 2 for IPbox 900 hd and it sais that it has emu on it ??? but there are no pluging and no keys to enter .??? can u help do u know how does this image works?
    hello man
    i need your help about using cccam i dont know how can i use it
    and im junior in this site and i dont allow use your cccam file .i really need to your help
    Please THX
    please i need your help with the use of emunation SC941.7
    i am a dvb.s user (twinhan VP) my Theatre 3.38 and echostar 6.8(2500)sat
    my english is bad and i live in havana the tvsat is for us like an open window to the world
    if you can anwser me for my email:************,because I dont have Internet,I aprecite your help
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