Viark Forever boxes


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Staff member
i agree with @manic01 ....on this occasion i am not posting any doom/gloom
i think for sure its just bad luck or bad timing and i do believe that the update to 1.45 was going to happen
anyhow no matter what and got a little delayed for whatever reasons but i will be ultra positive here and agree within next 7-10 days
possibly sooner we will see for sure soon ....


I picked up a cheap purelink HDMI streamer so where I use to only use my dish for footy and boxing it quite good now as I stream from the Viark to channels DVR on Apple TV’s around the house, so now broadening my horizons :)

Most of the time the dish is just on 28.2e :)
Don't try connecting a HDMI capture card or encoder to your device as it will result in the blacklisting of your device's SN and you will premanently lose access to forever server.
The HDMI capture cards communicate their type and specs with the receiver and in newer softwares of forever receivers they implemented a check function that verifies the attached device and automatically blacklists the receiver if it find out that it's connected to anything other than a tv.
The reason why you didn't get a blacklist already is probably that the viark doesn't yet get that feature implemented , as it is rolled out on other receivers like starsat and already resulted in the banning of many devices.


Donating Member
Staff member
Gotta Love that comment well done Sir :)
This time i honestly do hope i'm right i gotta be right sometime ? :D
even my very old Starsat2000 HD Hyper still gets updates even tho' d/load site has been taken offline , lol's


Donating Member
my procedure was backup channel list and save.factory reset box install new update then install my saved channel list.i didn't delete all the keys i'm going to delete biss key only one by one.