The BBC Red Button Channels added back to the 28.2 East EPG section
Ready for the summer's music & sports events!
Please note
From 1st May 2018 Sky EPG line up will change
At present it is believed many channels will be shuffled around with the +1's given their own section
But nothing has been confirmed for certain yet
The Sky Epg section has been changed to cover the FTA/FTV channels as there are so few available via C/S
If the situation changes it can be reinstated
Channels that are no longer listed in the epg can still be found under their relevant sections i.e Entertainment/Lifestyle etc
The files are not released as often as the once where due to fewer & fewer relevant changes taking place
I would say the launch of TV channels via sat has now peaked across Europe
ITV Encore HD SD & +1 has closed
Vice HD is no more only SD
LFC SD is closing in June for HD only
Most of the Viasat channels on 5 East have moved transponders & are now on DVB S2 transponders