How to build sim210 image for dm800se by barry allen

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Well Known Member
How to build sim210 image for dm800se by barry allen

you need this files

barry allen preferable version 5.1.53 or 5.1.54 , versions 5.2.0 and above will not work
dcc1.2 or dcc1.3 -dm800se files

1.install barry allen to dreambox

2. install the image you want to build for sim210 from dcc-tools-bootmanager-install

3. from dcc- ftp replace the /ba/ by the one downloaded dcc-ftp copy the attached secondstage.bin to /mb_images (delete file mb_images/secondstage.gz if exists,if two folders with name mb_images copy the files to both folders if you do not know which one used by barry allen)

5-Install latest patched drivers

6-apply patches for webinterface,wlan and software manager

7-.from dcc-tools-bootmanager-backup backup your image to pc
8- Test your image first in flash before distributing for others

all done now you have image with sim210-ss82 integerated and you can load to your dream without loading ss82

Good luck ;)

thanks mfaraj57
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