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  • with USB mate unzip file put the file to usb but the usb on the box then press usb on the remote now follow the screen
    Hi Benkurd
    I am new i have just bought this reciever Tm5402hd
    can you tell me how to install this software
    hy benkurd

    how can i get the keys, that you posted, for the TC (switzerland) to my Dreambox?
    sorry im new in the DB Buisness and i need help.
    here are small informations of my DB:
    Enigma: 2010-12-16-experimental
    Image: Newnigma2-Release-2010-12-17
    Tuner: Philips CU1216Mk3 (DVB-C)

    i hope you can help me.

    greets r10-mihi
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