LT6 The Sixth Sense DM800 sim2 #75 2010.01.14(1)
yes, we are still alive

We have nearly rewritten the complete LT Image, so it took us some time. Our
priorities has always been our real life and this is also one reason why it
took some time for LT6.
The new image is not dictatorial any more. We have splitted all the LT
plugins from the base image... so YOU can now use this and that LT plugin or
We have a new built in skin for the HD boxes named LT6.HD. We hope, you will
like it like we do.
As a note on the skin, we have left rather much PiG in it for dm800 box and
this might make the skin feel little slow. For future upgrades the dm800
skin might use less PiG to speed it up. For you who likes PiG and do not
care about speed you can change the skin to full PiG.
As you know us, we have again a few new plugins for you.
The first new plugin is named LT Install Wizard. It will be executed the
first time you boot our image. You can remove or add any LT plugin inside
it. After the first boot it will not be shown again on bootup, but you can
reach it in the system menu again.
We have also a new plugin that allows you to switch the PiP channel without
a big patch to DMM‘s code that some other images are using. After the PiP is
enabled you can toggle between the main window and PiP with the following
-New remote control (DM8000): SHIFT+PLAY/PAUSE
-old remote control: SHIFT+TV
Some user didn‘t find their location in our Weatherman plugin, so we created
a new one: Weather-Channel with some new options and an other look.
We have changed a lot of stuff in many plugins, so we will try to pick only
the important things for the release text:
-Remove LT center screen functions and use DMM‘s code instead
-Made SNR configurable in the skin (percent or dB)
-New weather icons and new look for Weatherman plugin
-Added possibility to show infos about next event in the channelselection
-Move LT-Configs to dmm-config menu (menu => configuration => system)
-Added reload autofs function to autofs editor
-Made info-button also configurable (not only long-holding info-button)
-Added ‘Play CD/DVD‘ entry to main-menu
-Remove entry DVD Player from main-menu
-Added FileScanner for Audio-CD‘s
-After starting ‘Play CD/DVD‘ check CD/DVD. Open DVD-Player if a DVD, open
MC-Audio-Player if an Audio-CD and open MC-DVD-Browser if nothing of them
(for DATA-CD‘s with pics, mp3 or movies)
-InfoBarPositioner: added posibility to move the MoviePlayer InfoBar
Click here to download:sim201e-75-LT-Sixth-dm800-20100114.rar