wifi cam how to to it....

florindo mateus

wifi cam how to find a router, and how to insert the ip, and how to do all parametres to make it be reconezide by the router and by the computer at the same time by the system???

Sorry all friends who uses this cam, but I´ve got one to see if I´m beable to make it works as a sharing systeme, with some friends, but I need help from some friend who use this cam and have it allready working as a share, because I´m alone and completely out, how to do it, during my life I did learn the things have to be harder, for we give them the right value, but... this is being twices harder!!!

all I got till now is it working as a internal emu like the diablo light is, and I made a search, and it found a router it self in the access point (thomson8998d9) is the router I´ve, but now... I stop...? I dont know what to do! I´ve a DHCP on, because I dont know the way to insert the static ip, and I dont know were or how I find it, and if is necessary to know the router´s password for it reconice the cam to comunicate beetwin!!! all this things are very very dificoult to me!!! so I see I´m seally at the dark side of the share system!!!

so cam some friend give me a information as complet as possible how I´ve to do, I mean all steps necessary to have it working in my system???

thankyou very much in advance!!! but I´m very very :confused:
florindo mateus