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After Gutemine also like to see what the competition does so I umzuhämmern me made fun of the current original image VU + 2.0 on a Dreambox 8000 image, so you can try it even once (and thus a change).
Yes, that is a perfectly normal enigma2 it that way at the VU + running Duo.
Yes is the umhämmern with BA and is done in 20 minutes
Yes you can umgehämmerte image on the Dreambox 8000 ordinary flash (rar file to unpack, but before!)
Yes, BA is already pre-integrated (if you after flashing a BA device in the box is where BA is already installed)
Yes, it has the USB drivers in the kernel in order to serve as a base for multi-boot Flash
Yes, of course it can also be quite normal on a BA device unpack a Dreambox.
Yes, if you will restart enigma2 reboot the box, but that can be easily fixed in the enigma2.sh
Yes, you can also download plug-ins with the usual standard of the green button in the browser plugin.
Yes, you can use the image as normal, except for HD Skinns should not try better.
Yes, with BA you should change the image on the 800 and the test evt 7025 (may just not flash)
Yes, the boots without progressbar in 1'45 "
Yes, screenshots of VU + skin you have.
No, this is not the VTI-Team Image.
No, the default password of root is vuplus
No, the OLED does not work, the VU + has only one Alphanumeric display.
No, normal VU + nfi images can NOT flash on the Dreambox, unpack them, but with BA on the Dreambox.
No, udev, I have not been adjusted, but the hard drive of the 8k, and a CF is mounted with fstab during boot and if you are a mkdir / media / usb does the stick when it is in the boot off.
No, BP or SoftCam gibts in the original image does not.