• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - v. 8.2.x - 03.04.2015 [Solo SE2]


Well Known Member
VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - v. 8.2.x - 03.04.2015

- driver: 03.04.2015
- kernel 3.13.5 (Solo², Duo², Solo SE, Zero)
- kernel 3.9.6 (Duo, Solo, Uno, Ultimo)
- xbmc pre-installed (Solo², Duo², Solo SE)
- support for GUI animations (Solo², Duo², Solo SE)
- build python with IPv6 support
- update AtileHD skin
- update and enhance functionality of GraphMultiEPG plugin
- update default services
- update OpenWebIF
- use lsusb with all functions (no busybox lsusb)
- Enigma2 (2014-04-02)

add option to deactivate timer(button STOP or GREEN LONG), THX @busch
add many skin parameters (improved FullHD skin support) THX @hmmmdada
extend dvbapp2 core for additional skin parameters for config lists textOffset, secondfont)
add option to save parental control pin when CI modules are in use
show zap history (button EXIT in TV mode)
save list style type and sort order folder based (MovieList)
support parental control for movie folders
support parental control for deleting movies
add option to hide service name in service list
add option for double-spaced service list
support for any picon size in service list
SkinPro is available for every skin not only AtileHD
miscellaneous bug fixes

Based on Vu+ OpenEmbedded Repository 2.1
--> changes from Vu+ : http://code.vuplus.com
