

Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV, and Analog video (V4L) as input sources.

It also comes with a powerful and easy to use web interface both used for configuration and day-to-day operations, such as searching the EPG and scheduling recordings.

Even so, the most notable feature of Tvheadend is how easy it is to set up: Install it, navigate to the web user interface, drill into the TV adapters tab, select your current location and Tvheadend will start scanning channels and present them to you in just a few minutes


Tvheadend on Debian & Ubuntu

HTS has its own repository for Debian and Ubuntu systems, located here:

deb hts main

You can either add this directly to your /etc/apt/sources.list or use the Software Center in Ubuntu to add it.

Once the respository has been setup you can install directly from a command line:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install hts-tvheadend

You can of course also install the package directly from Software Center if you prefer that.

The install process will prompt you for a super username/password combination. You will need to configure this in order to log into the web interface. The user can not be changed or removed from within tvheadend itself. You can still add/remove new users but this special username/password will always grant full access to all features.

If you need to change the username and/or password you can reconfigure the package. From a command line, execute:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure hts-tvheadend

Once you are all set, login to Tvheadend via the Built in web interface