Transedit and packet loss on DVB-T2 hevc


Can someone help me with this.

I am using TransEdit to record local terrestrial channels (DVB-T2 hevc). The problem i get is if i am at the same time using the PC (doing some basic things like surfing the internet) while recording - i get a lot of packet loss on TransEdit records and dont know why because CPU is so low all the time. I tryed this with two configuration (PC and laptop) and always the same problem.

PC is intel i7, 32 Gb RAM with Hauppauge dual DVB-T2 tuner, Win10

Laptop is really old, like 10+ years (dont know specs) with MyGica DVB-T2 USB tuner, Win7

Both are connected on the same outdoor antenna with great signal and both configuration can record the whole day without absolutely ANY single packet loss if i am doing nothing on them, just recording, if i open a browser or doing some other basic things in next 20 to 30min theres gonna be some packet loss in TransEdit.

Anyone knows why is this happening and is there anything i could do to stop it?


SSD is on PC, HDD is on laptop, but there is no difference.

Most of the time i am recording on my old laptop with HDD, i shut down old background programs and even turn off my wifi and everything works great. I can record 2-3 days (48-72 hours) without stop and without any single packet loss, signal is amazing and everything works great. But when i open chrome - i am sure i will get packet loss in next 20-30min, and thats what always happen.

Total CPU on laptop is 5-10%, Transedit takes 2-3%.

Total CPU on PC is 2%, Transedit takes 0,2%.


Senior Member
try checking without chrome and with chrome while recording (check if chrome used SWAP on disk)