We had a dry day today, but couldn't do much because I had family around.
I did manage to test the V box with a spare actuator, and it worked, so I can rule out the V box.
Thursday is forecast to be a dry day, so if it is, I will open up the actuator and have a look.
I will be very annoyed if there is any rainwater inside, as I made a point of sealing all the joints with a very expensive silicon when I installed it.
My guess is that it's just the reed that has blown, and it will be as dry as a bone inside. (famous last words)
I have a few spares somewhere.
The actuator is not doing anything at all. No movement, no sound, nothing. I did go outside yesterday and used webif to try and get my VU Ultimo 4K to move the dish, and listen for any sounds.
It's a heavy duty superjack on a 1.25 Gibby.