sting 100 satellite


Staff member
Stinger wrote:

As the questions about adding of satellites to Samsung 9500 continue to arise, and answers of impossibility to make it become traditional, I shall tell you how I have made this.

The total quantity of satellites is kept in the setting file in address 10F4(Hex).
And that's how the information about every satellite is kept in the setting file: The satellites are kept beginning from address 1100(Hex). For every satellite it is given 36 bytes. I mark the addresses from the beginning of record for every satellite:
00h Satellite number in the setting (1 byte)
01h null byte
02h-03h Satellite position in degrees (2 bytes)
04h-13h Satellite name (16 bytes)
14h-15h Transporder quantity in Satellite (2 bytes)
16h-17h Lo LOF (2 bytes)
18h-19h Hi LOF (2 bytes)
1Ah DiseqC enter 1-4 (1 byte)
1Bh 22 kHz on/off (1 byte)
1Ch DiseqC positioner on/off (1 byte)
1Dh Satellite number in DiseqC positioner (1 byte)
1Eh 0/12 (1 byte)
1Fh East/West (1 byte)
20h-23h 4 null bytes

If someone would like to have 60 satellites he can do the following:
Open the setting file by using HexEdit.
Then you need to change the value in address 10F4 for 3C, after that copy the missing quantity of records to the end of the available list of satellites (it's easily to find by name SMATV). The last record in this case will be in address 194C(Hex).
It's important: numbers of satellites in the setting and numbers of satellites in the positioner must be unique.
Personally for me I put the setting by order beginning from 00 Hex from East to West as so as the numbers of satellites in positioner.
I recommend to do this all in the empty setting file.
I forgot to notice: The satellite with number 13h must be SMART.

Addition: The base format is other for softs higher than 1.25. The satellite quantity in the base are written in address 7900(Hex). Satellites are found from address 790C(Hex).
Important: SMART must be last in the base.

I want to add that Stinger helped a lot earlier to resolve my problem with SM3D12 motor. It refused to remember positions some satellites.

Stinger wrote:

In factory default setting the satellites are kept in the following order:
the 1-st number - the number of the satellite in the setting (Hex)
the 2-nd number - the number of the satellite in the positioner (Hex)

23 (2D) Koreasat 3
22 (2C) Koreasat 2
21 (2B) Asiasat 2
14 (1B) Eutelsat f1
00 (16) Turksat 1c
15 (1C) Eutelsat W4
16 (1D) Turksat 1B
17 (1E) Arabsat 2B
18 (1F) Eurobird
01 (12)Astra 2
02 (11) Arabsat 2A
03 (10) Kopernikus 3
04 (02) Astra 1
05 (03) Eutelsat W2
06 (01) Hotbird 1-5
07 (04) Eutelsat W1
08 (05) Eutelsat W3
09 (06) Sirius 2/3
0A (1A) Thor 1/2/3
0B (08) Intelsat 707
0C (19) Amos 1
0D (09) Telecom 2C
0E (20) Nilesat 101
19 (21) Telecom 2A 2D
1A (22) Telstar 12
1B (22) Intelsat 705
1C (23) NSS K 803
1D (24) Intelsat 605
0F (0E) Hispasat 1
1E (25) Intelsat 801
1F (26) Telstar 11
20 (27) NSS 806
10 (28) Satellite 1
11 (29) Satellite 2
12 (2A) Satellite 3
13 (00) SMATV

As it's seen the numbers are not in order!!!
Some numbers are missed!!!
The number 22 in positioner is met a twice!!!
I suppose you have a problem with your motor because the highest remembering position for your motor is 30 (or 1E in Hex). So the satellites with the number in positioner more than 1E (1F,20, 21 ets.) can't be remembered.
The problem can be solved by editing the setting file in HexEdit editor putting the necessary numbers of satellites on positione
by Stinger