thanks,how do I get c/ there anybody on this site that can help me in the Glasgow area?.
There is nobody on this site or any other for that matter who can/will voluntarily give you specific information on how to c/share.....for the one simple reason that it's an illegal practice,.full the first thing you need to do is to start Googling and do some reading because your questions are all ready answered and easily found,they might even be on this forum....
you had a gift on the receiver it's done now so start helping yourself by searching and reading when you have done that you will find that it's so simple to do that a school kid can do it..really..there is how-to guides all over the place especially for that make of receiver because it's one of the easiest ones to do it with and you can find free lines for that service at 28 east there are thousands of them to try and experiment with.....