solution for tweak key and box id


Senior Member
Any solution for tweak keys my 0649 card status

2016/06/17 20:34:10 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 16
2016/06/17 20:34:10 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 13
2016/06/17 20:34:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 16
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 0 --- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines ---
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 13
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 12
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 11
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 14
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 1b
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 15
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 19
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 16
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 1c
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5964C0 c IRDETO EMM: Tweak Keys EMM
2016/06/17 20:34:13 0 --- Skipped 4 duplicated log lines ---
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SCANNING FOR SURFLOCK
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SURFLOCK SCAN COMPLETED..!
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SCANNING FOR SURFLOCK
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SURFLOCK SCAN COMPLETED..!
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SCANNING FOR SURFLOCK
2016/06/17 20:34:13 5789F8 r SUNDTH [irdeto] EMM: SURFLOCK SCAN COMPLETED..!
2016/06/17 20:34:15 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 13
2016/06/17 20:34:15 5964C0 c GLOBAL BASE = 16
2016/06/17 20:34:16 5964C0 c ras (0649&000000/2000/0008/4F:C9FDE5BA07F7C2104F55929027741CB7): not found (160 ms) by SUNDTH

2016/06/18 19:25:40 578A10 r [irdeto-reader] RSA_mod : 00 00 00 00 \3A DC 1C BD EF 30 F8 *1 F* E1 30 A2 20 47 B3 21 6E 77 04 12 AF DF DA DD F0 73 8F 5B 55
2016/06/18 19:25:40 578A10 r [irdeto-reader] sc_camRSAkey: 5 23 9C 41 EC 95 A9 E9 BB 6E 0B CD 34 42 82 CA 6A 57 7A 14 70 70 72 3E 91 8* FB ED 50 20 25 2
2016/06/18 19:25:40 57A8D0 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 1 ecmpids!
2016/06/18 19:25:40 578A10 r [irdeto-reader] cmd50: need boxid or card not paired


for private oscam no need keys i have that private oscam r0 understand mr zipto. i am asking how to compile this oscam with my card

Got Unpaired Card , Oscam R0 , still dont work , Card works fine in newcslover oscam.


for 0604 surflock ? what version or config or script work fine ..block surflock emm

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