SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition for Vuo+Solo

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SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition for Vuo+Solo Images

New Settings Loader Plugin
- With this plugin you can download Settings Directly from major settings creators,like Morpheus,Cyrus without lost your Dtt channel list
- Added possibility to install manual settings directly from zip/tar.gz/ipk file
- Many thanks to Morpheus883 and for joined the project. Other settings makers are welcome

New Lcn Scanner Plugin
-Totally Rewritten
-Reorder channels with national lcn list
-Use it after a standard dtt scan on enigma2 service searching
-If you enable "Italy" option lcn scanner will order your channel better with categories divisor,(if you want this option for other country just send a correct lcn xml file )

New SifPanel System
- Now you can personalize your panel like you want.Just add or remove the parameters that you use often.

New Software Manager
Now before installing plugin or skin,you can see a preview with some screenshoots

New Default Black Skin (see screenshoots)

- Autodetect usb dtt Drivers (see forum for the list) Fixed win nova mini stick

- Autodetect usb wifi drivers (see forum for the list) Fixed rt2870 \ rt3070 \ rtl8187l \

- Added Sm*rgo Support

Many Thanks To :

Skaman (Developer & Coder )
Bobsilvio (Coder)
Ipbox2008 (Coder)
Margy82 (Skinner)
Cus2k (Betatester)
Barrett (Betatester)
Katapip (Betatester)
Morpheus883 (Settings Master Chief & Betatester)
Raskino (Betaster)
Ukiller_Bestia (Web Master and Server Manteiner)
Theseven (Betaster)
Tideglo (Cuberevo Drivers e2 Developer)
Ngc1927 (Dgs Firmwares Developer)
Genge (Manager)
Biondo79 (Betatester)


Staff member
Super Moderator
SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition for Vuo+Solo - 29/03/2011

No Changes

Enigma2 plugins:
No Changes


2011-01-26 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* [hotplug-ng] update cvs src date (fixes bug #399)

2011-01-28 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* [libdreamdvd] update srcdate, enables direct audio and subtitle stream
selection (required by ##440, 441)

2011-02-05 ghost <[email protected]>

* move to git, update srcdate/srcref to fix dm7020hd support


2011-02-06 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* openssl-native_0.9.8j: build fix for x86_64

2011-02-06 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-02-05 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* enable devfsd on dm7025

2011-02-06 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* linux-dm7025: build fix for ubuntu 11.04 / x86_64

2011-02-08 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* opkg: don't touch /usr/lib/opkg/alternatives on install
* minicom: build fix for ubuntu 11.04 / x86_64
* mc-4.6.2: build fix for ubuntu 11.04 / x86_64

2011-02-07 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* remove cp437 from task-boot
* linux: enable codepage 437 to be able to boot from FAT
* dm7025: issue hdparm -d1 after setting dma mode
* zeroconf: set FALLBACK=yes
* opkg: fix interception of depmod calls


2011-02-08 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* update-alternatives: don't touch /usr/lib/opkg/alternatives on install

2011-02-08 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-02-10 ghost <[email protected]>

* add gst-plugin-selector to RREPLACES and RCONFLICTS..
because it was moved from gst-plugins-bad to gstreamer core now
* update to 20110210 and define a git srcref removed no more
existing gst-plugin-selector
* checksums.ini: add checksums for gstreamer/gst-plugins-base 0.10.32,
gst-plugins-bad 0.10.21, gst-plugins-ugly 0.10.17 and gst-plugins-good
* fix PR, cleanup
* fix PR
* set INC_PR to 0 because of gstreamer and plugins update
* gst-plugin-dvbmediasink: update to 20110210
* enigma2-plugins: update to 20110210 and define a git srcref
* update skins to 20110128 and define a srcref for git

2011-02-10 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* [gstreamer] switch to latest releases

2011-02-10 ghost <[email protected]>

* linux-dm8000: add nand flash driver fix (this fixes mtd/jffs2 ecc error
messages in kernel log)


2011-02-11 ghost <[email protected]>

* fix typo (SRCREF -> SRCREV)

2011-02-11 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-02-16 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm800/dm8000/dm500hd/dm800se hardware
drivers all --- - add support for two vtuners - use linuxtv api dvr devices
instead of proprietary pvr device(s) .. this is later needed for better ts
streaming support - small pcr fix - fixed small demux bug to prevent packets
from previous running service in recorded ts streams dm800se/dm500hd: -
updated audio/video decoder, video output, demux and hdmi output code dm8000:
- updated video decoder, video output, demux and hdmi output code take care
this driver update needs at least 2nd stage loader #81

2011-02-16 ghost <[email protected]>

* recipes/udev/udev-124: add vtuner1 device to 41-od-linux-2.6.18-misc.rules
and remove pvr device
* checksums.ini: update secondstage-dm7025-81.bin checksum
* add missing driver date changes
* push srcrev for latest dreambox drivers, add 7025 compatibility
diff, remove unused diffs
* push srcrev (needed for new dreambox hw drivers)

2011-02-15 ghost <[email protected]>

* update showiframe tool (switch to nonblock mode)
needed by dreambox-dvb-modules >= 20110215

2011-02-16 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm7025/dm800/dm8000/dm800se/dm500hd 2nd
stage loader to #81 - some usb stack fixes / improvements - changed mem
layout for dm800se/dm8000/dm500hd hardware drivers >= 20110215 - some html
fixes needed for modern web browsers (i.e. fixed ineffective "flash" button)
- fixed frequently dm500hd poweron problems - fixed possible ethernet
problems update writenfi tool to fix secondstage on the fly updates on dm8000

2011-02-17 ghost <[email protected]>

* removed kernel-modules-nls-iso8859-1 from MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_EXTRA_RDEPENDS
.. its now directly included in the kernel
* enigma2: fixed 7025 ts playback
* better handling for dreambox-passthrough..
* move libebml and libmatroska checksums to checksums.ini
* remove old (broken) libmatroska and libebml

2010-10-01 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* lib{ebml,matroska}-1.0.0: intitial recipes

2011-02-17 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* linux-dm*: build ISO8859-1 into the kernel and select it as default NLS to
finally fix FAT mounts on boot

2011-02-16 ghost <[email protected]>

* recipes/enigma2: remove no more used, push srcrev
* enigma2: use libpassthrough when available, push srcrev to fix radiomode
* add dreambox-libpassthrough to support DTS-HD -> DTS conversion for
passthrough (for TS/M2TS)

2011-02-26 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* secondstage: fix do_stage for 7025, consolidate functions

2011-02-25 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* update secondstage to #82, update bootlogo.elf to #7

2011-02-28 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* secondstage: Use PV instead of PV_mipsel, because OVERRIDES follows inverse
logic in this OE version
* secondstage-dm7025: fix freeze before loading kernel (#83)

2011-03-02 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm800/dm800se/dm500hd/dm8000 hardware
drivers - reentrancy fixes in demux and video/audio clip mode (fixed
frequently kernel oops) - fixed not visible PEP options on DM8000 - revert to
previous video output, hdmi and video decoder code (DM500HD/DM800SE/DM8000)
this should fix some problems introduced with 20110215 drivers - added
pcr/hdmi kernel debug output messages to debug hdmi problems (DM800)

2011-03-02 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* bootlogo: update to #8

2011-03-01 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* secondstage-dm500hd: display IP address on LED (#83)

2011-03-04 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* add driver for Realtek 802.11n USB wireless LAN controllers

2011-03-08 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* autofs: increase timeout from 1 to 5 seconds (refs #694)

2011-03-08 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* task-opendreambox-wlan: build and suggest usb wlan modules on dm8000
* busybox: enable mkfs.vfat
* task-opendreambox-*: fix DEPENDS


2011-03-09 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm800/dm800se/dm500hd/dm8000 hardware
drivers to 20110309 - worked on dm800 hdmi connection lost problem - fixed
load average calculation again (broken since 20110302 drivers) - worked on
h264 buffer underflow problems on some h264 services

2011-03-09 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* autofs-4.1.4: bump PR (fixes 607126c04ef908f0f7bfb1c46cd72d6a2ad7a277)

2011-03-09 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-03-15 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm8000 hardware drivers - fixed lef/right
audio channel switching via HDMI (broken since 20110302 drivers)

2011-03-18 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* netbase: fix non working wpa_supplicant detection in network restarts. Push
PR. refs #724

2011-03-27 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed AGAIN libdvdcss2 depends

2011-03-26 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added libdvdcss2 depends

2011-03-24 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Update usbloader for new option dib0700

2011-03-23 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated et9000 drivers (20110322)

2011-03-22 skaman <[email protected]>

* Removed latest opkg patches from dmm
* Removed svdownloader
* Increased enigma2 PR (missed in last merge)
* Fixed broken v4l-dvb-compat.patch

2011-03-21 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated v4l-dvb SRCREV
* Increased PR in enigma2 task
* Added et9000, bm750 and vuplus checksums
* Added libdvdcss2 as dependency in dvdplayer task
* Updated bm750 and vusolo drivers (20110321)
* Increased bootlogo PR (required from last merge with dmm)
* Updated et9000 drivers (20110319)
* Fixed kernel-module-nls-iso8859-1 dependencies from last merge


No Changes

No Changes

No Changes


2011-03-24 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Added option force_lna_activation=1 for driver dib0700



Staff member
SifTeam Enigma2 Gecko Edition for Vuo+Solo 19/04/2011


2011-04-17 skaman <[email protected]>

* Increased video wizard timeout from 20 to 30 seconds

2011-04-12 skaman <[email protected]>

* Test for fix recording on azbox

2011-04-11 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed demux start pid on azbox

2011-04-09 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed broken support in videomode for not azbox stb

2011-04-02 skaman <[email protected]>

* From azbox-enigma2-project r40: Add missing variable in accel.h header file
* From azbox-enigma2-project r39: Fix detection of the AC3 pid on some
NorthAmerica channels, thx to everyone who tested
* From azbox-enigma2-project r36: Removed #define
* From azbox-enigma2-project r35: Added New Sigma BLIT function
* From azbox-enigma2-project r32: Fix Radio Mode for Sigma CPU, sharing Video
Decoder/STC clock now okey
* From azbox-enigma2-project r31: add prebuffering and some other changes
* From azbox-enigma2-project r29: AC3+ detection added
* From azbox-enigma2-project r28: Added few more AC3 stream type values for
detection ...
* From azbox-enigma2-project r27: Start PCR pid even if it's
timeshift/playing TS stream from file (PCR pid needed for Sigma to start
automatically play/STC clocks).
* From azbox-enigma2-project r26: Fix DMX_ADD_PID ioctl, now it's working for
Sigma DVB driver
* From azbox-enigma2-project r25: Added Ultra Model detection
* From azbox-enigma2-project r24: Added Azbox receivers enums
* From azbox-enigma2-project r23: Added Azbox box detection and demux device
* From azbox-enigma2-project r22: Added tuner selection for Elite/Premium
* From azbox-enigma2-project r20: fix in dvbtime
* From azbox-enigma2-project r19: Setting DEMUX source on Audio/Video "fd"
after open (it's not default mode on open in Sigma driver)
* From azbox-enigma2-project r18: Changes in eTSMPEGDecoder::showSinglePic
for Sigma

2011-03-27 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Fixed problem (first reboot) wlan with rt3070 and rt2870


Enigma2 plugins:
No Changes


2011-04-19 skaman <[email protected]>

* Increased task-boot PR
* Fixed bad modules dependency in et5000 machine

2011-04-18 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added et5000
* Updated azbox bootup script
* Updated azbox kernel to 20110418
* Added module scsi_wait_scan as azbox essential depend

2011-04-17 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated azbox driver to 20110418
* Fixed again azbox kernel name and updated kernel and drivers
* increased SRCREV
* Restored underscore in kernel name and changed workaround (thanks to

2011-04-16 skaman <[email protected]>

* Increased the right initscript PR!!
* Changed azbox kernel version from the_ripper to the-ripper (thanks to
* Fixed azbox-build-e2 util (always thanks to the author dr_gogeta86)
* Fixed broken azbox inittab

2011-04-13 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* Updated azbox drivers to 20110407
* Added e2_packer for azbox (thanks to dr_gogeta86)
* Fixed reboot on azbox

2011-04-12 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated ccid to 1.4.3 and pcsc-lite to 1.7.2
* updated SRCREV

2011-04-11 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* Updated rt3070 driver (thanks to dr_gogeta86)

2011-04-09 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated et9000 drivers to 2011009
* update SRCREV
* Fixed not applied patches in et9000 kernel (thanks to biondo79)

2011-04-07 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added cdfs to et9000 kernel
* Added newline at end of file to et9000 bootup

2011-04-02 skaman <[email protected]>

* Enabled crypto modules in azbox kernel
* updated SRCREV
* Reverted busybox defconfig

2011-04-01 skaman <[email protected]>

* Temporary removed r8712 rt73 and zd1211b drivers from azbox
* Added wifi as machine feature in azbox
* Upgraded azbox modules to 20110331
* Increased PR in wlan task
* Added azbox in wlan task (thanks to dr_gogeta86)
* Fixed azbox modules install path
* Added missing defines in dmx.h header (thanks to tideglo)
* Removed fuse-module depency on azbox for upnp

2011-03-31 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated busybox defconfig (thanks to dr_gogeta86)
* Removed old comments fro
* Upgraded gst-plugin-dvbmediasink sources for azbox
* Added necessary patch to linux dvb headers on azbox

2011-03-30 skaman <[email protected]>

* Upgraded azbox kernel to 2.6.29 and driver to release 20110330

2011-03-30 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Fixed errated checksum for skins dmconcinnity

2011-03-29 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Added new skin enigma2-skins-dmconcinnity-hd-trasnparent (margy82 mod)

2011-03-27 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Update Usbloader for new dictionary
* Added more vid/pid and convert ra in wlan (thanks bigroma)


No Changes

No Changes

No Changes


2011-04-13 skaman <[email protected]>

* Increased row buffer size
* Small fix in csv parser Resaved dicionary.csv
* Test to fix dictionary end lines

2011-04-11 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated rt3070sta wireless devices

2011-03-27 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Added Vid/Pid, driver rt2870sta and rt3070sta



Staff member
Super Moderator
SIF OpenEE Vusolo Gecko 20110528173243
SIF OpenEE Bm750 Gecko 20110528171544
Enigma 2 Version: gecko-git20110603-r42


2010-02-25 ghost <[email protected]>

* lib/python/Plugins/Extensions/GraphMultiEPG/ [PATCH 3/3] use
non-visual bouquet selector in graphmultiepg
* lib/python/Screens/ [PATCH 2/3] use non-visual bouquet
selector in multiepg
* lib/python/Screens/ [PATCH 1/3] implement a non-visual
bouquet selector for bouq +/- keys


2011-03-08 ghost <[email protected]>

* Screens/ fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled
timers to end of list) fixes bug #713
* Screens/ fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled
timers to end of list) fixes bug #713

2011-03-08 skaman <[email protected]>


2011-03-08 ghost <[email protected]>

* Screens/ fix timerlist sort function (no more move disabled
timers to end of list) fixes bug #713

2011-03-04 ghost <[email protected]>

* remove unneeded sort (fixes crash on Menu button press)

2011-03-03 ghost <[email protected]>

* add plugin weight to PluginDescriptor... so the plugin start order can be
changed now

2011-03-09 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-03-11 ghost <[email protected]>

* base/console.cpp: fix typo

2011-03-10 ghost <[email protected]>

* put out an error message on instant record on non invalid services refs
* more robust timer sanity check / autoincrement handling, small code cleanup
fixes bug #718

2011-03-15 acid-burn <[email protected]>

* WirelessLan/ properly kill still running iwconfig console
callbacks. fixes #720

2011-03-14 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* WPA: minimize driver specific code for /etc/network/interfaces
* WLAN: fix inversed logic for WPA2 vs. WPA/WPA2

2011-03-14 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* do not show extensions menu plugins which require servicelist in pvr
playback mode (works around bug #723)

2011-03-26 ghost <[email protected]>

* fix tabs, code cleanup refs #736

2011-03-25 ghost <[email protected]>

* try to fix motor turning with unicable lnb fixes bug #736
* reset frontend type on tuner type change also on simulated tuner fixes
false timer conflict warning when trying to create new record timers after
boot (-CT combi tuner only) fixes bug #739

2011-03-21 ghost <[email protected]>

* fix typo ... this fixes a crash on timer listing with "show
finished timers at end of list"

2011-03-19 ghost <[email protected]>

* fix import name conflict refs #713

2011-03-18 ghost <[email protected]>

* add possibility to choose the finished timer timerlist position in usage
config refs bug #713

2011-03-17 ghost <[email protected]>

* make new multi epg bouquet handling optional via usage config "Multi-EPG
bouquet selection (Yes/No)" option default is the old behaviour refs bug #453

2011-03-17 acid-burn <[email protected]>

* fix post-down->pre-down change introduced with last changes.
refs #724

2011-03-16 acid-burn <[email protected]>

* small cleanups

2011-03-31 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* SDL: fix input of control keys

2011-03-30 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* add PSignal3 template

2011-03-31 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* InputBox/Screen: remove trailing semicolon

2011-03-31 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Screens/, SystemPlugins/WirelessLan,Networkwizard: dont use
"hidden..." as selector for hidden networks. Add config option for entering a
hidden network ssid. This is more intuitive as selecting the option from the
found networks. refs #725

2011-03-30 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* ServiceInfo: make more strings translatable
* fix some misspellings
* transponder info: display e.g. "Astra (19.2E)" instead of "192"

2011-03-30 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager: change default backup names for
wpa_supplicant configuration files. refs #389
* SystemPlugins/WirelessLan: Don't depend on device names where possible.
Better wireless lan interface detection and scanning. Changed file naming for
wpa_supplicant configuration to wpa_supplicant."interfacename".conf. refs
* SystemPlugins/NetworkWizard: Don't depend on device names where possible.
Some code cleanups and improvements. refs #389
* improve wireless lan device detection. Dont
depend on device names where possible. Some code cleanups and improvements
for wlan devices. refs #389

2011-03-16 acid-burn <[email protected]>

* remove debug
* SoftwareManager: add new wpa_supplicant configfiles to backup defaults.
refs #389
* NetworkWizard: follow to improve wireless interface/module
detection. refs #389
* SystemPlugins/WirelessLan: improve wireless device/module detection.
improve iwconfig response parsing. read and save wpa_supplicant
configurations into per interface separated files. refs #389
* improved wlan interface/response handling. dont ask for
deactivating a second interface if deactivating current interface. use
activate/deactivate interface functions instead network restarts to apply
network configurations.
* improve remote rootfs detection and wireless device/module
detection. improve functions to activate/deactivate network interfaces.
cleanup some unused functions. refs #389

2011-01-20 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* make switching of keyboard modes more consistent

2011-03-25 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* fix some crashes during settings wizard
* remove filesystem writeability test
* db: use strcmp when recreating bouquets.{tv,radio}
* db: move variable
* db: remove recursive loading of bouquets
* db: remove recursive loading of lamedb

2011-04-05 ghost <[email protected]>

* gdi/picexif.cpp: more and more FD leak stuff refs bug #599
* picexif.cpp: more FD leak voodoo... refs bug #599
* fixed DecodeExif error handling.. this should fix a FD leak fixes bug #599

2011-04-04 enigma2-translation-bot <[email protected]>

* Automatic message catalog update E2 branches: master experimental Plugins
: audiosync autoresolution autotimer cdinfo genuinedreambox mytube
networkbrowser webinterface serienfilm Plugins-****: description and

2011-04-11 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* [TaskView] upon cancelling waiting jobs, remove them from jobmanager queue
all the way
* [TaskView] fix cancel of waiting (not yet started) jobs

2011-04-11 ghost <[email protected]>

* do call pthread_join before new pthread_create when the thread handle is
valid fixes bug #749

2011-04-15 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Components/ small improvements and cleanups/fixes

2011-04-13 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Components/, SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager: add
possibility to have also non plugins/skins inside SoftwareManager. add
support for 'needsRestart' option inside **** descriptions for non
plugins/skins. refs #389
* Enigma2-{Network,NetworkWizard,WirelessLan}: more work on wireless lan /
networking. removed 'hidden' links from lists and replaced with more
intuitive options in networkwizard/networksetup. fixes #725

2011-04-12 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* Add MIME types for mka and mkv (Patch by Stephan Reichholf)
* Fix untranslatable string (Patch by Benny De Tandt)

2011-05-28 skaman <[email protected]>

* Restored original dmm remotes pictures

2011-05-26 root <root@margy82>

* Some fix in wizard screens

2011-05-19 margy82 <[email protected]>

* Fix Wizard green screen
* Fix PiP problem of Virtualzap infobar

2011-05-15 margy82 <[email protected]>

* Added icons in skin_default to fix crashes on PicturePLayer plugin
* Add et 5000 in HWName converter

2011-05-12 skaman <[email protected]>

* Some fixes on new skin
* Some fix on keymap for vuplus remotes

2011-05-09 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated default skin
* Some fixes on wireless lan support

2011-05-01 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added support for rt61 wifi driver

2011-04-30 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed missed conflict resolution in last merge
* Fixed unterminated #ifdef in dvb.cpp (broken in last merge)

2011-04-26 ghost <[email protected]>

* re-add audio track selection by number keys (patch by ritzmo) refs bug #752
* shutdown bdpoll thread on e2 shutdown this is needed for newer python
versions... thanks to ritzmo fixes bug #671
* servicemp3.cpp: more simple/flexible streaming detection

2011-04-21 enigma2-translation-bot <[email protected]>

* Automatic message catalog update E2 branches: master experimental Plugins
: audiosync autoresolution autotimer cdinfo genuinedreambox mytube
networkbrowser webinterface serienfilm Plugins-****: description and

2011-04-20 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* fix typo (Lanq -> Lang). refs #750

2011-04-19 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Converter/ don't use cache with "Path" argument. refs #750
* Converter/, Renderer/ use cache for LoadPixmap
inside ValueToPixmap converter, look for pixmap attribute inside Pixmap
renderer and react on changes. refs #750
* add modified patch from Homey to allow keyboard inputs.
refs #750

2011-04-18 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Components/Converter: add ValueToPixmap converter to convert a given path
or language code to a pixmap pointer e.g. used by the pixmap renderer. refs
* VirtualKeyBoard: Add cz/sk layout (patch from Petr)to VirtualKeyBoard. Add
possibility to change language layout with yellow button and display the
corresponding language icon. Refs #750
* NumericalTextInput: Add cz/sk layout (patch from Petr)to NumericalTextInput
and change font of NumericalTextInputHelpDialog from console to regular for
better utf-8 charset support. refs #750


Enigma2 plugins:

2011-03-08 Homey <[email protected]>

* [TVCharts] Submit pluginlists only one time
* [TVCharts] Fix bug in timer- and pluginlists

2011-03-08 ghost <[email protected]>

* add refresh rate settings for 720p and 1080i to autores plugin

2011-04-30 skaman <[email protected]>

* Removed tpm check in bitratecalc.cpp

2011-04-26 Tode <[email protected]>

* Another update of german translation

2011-04-25 Homey <[email protected]>

* [TVCharts] Use opkg instead ipkg to get pluginlist

2011-03-28 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* expose shuffle via /web/mediaplayercmd?command=shuffle

2011-04-25 Homey <[email protected]>

* [TVCharts] Use alternate UserAgent for status-updates

2011-04-25 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* fix if not running in background

2011-04-24 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* moviesearch: less likely to crash with alternative movie lists still not
guaranteed to work though, but that's a completely different problem Wink
* moviesearch: add proof of concept search plugin to the movie list just
drops you into my extended vkeyboard (for numerical text input support) where
you can enter the text to search for. currently the search is only done in
the movie title and is case insensitive. to reset list just enter an empty
search string or abort editing. only tested with standard movie list, might
need adjustments for other variants.

2011-04-24 Dario Croci <[email protected]>

* Autotimer: update for italian translation

2011-04-22 Tode <[email protected]>

* Updated german translation

2011-04-22 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* autotimer: base import from match/epg on default timer
* autotimer: allow to search recordings for duplicate events and to limit
search to next x days both based on a patch by Tode, thanks.

2011-04-15 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* update epgrefresh webif api

2011-04-14 Fraxinas <[email protected]>

* [serienfilm] fix crash in DVDBurn add title, fix crash when serlst is not

2011-04-10 Tode <[email protected]>

* Add keymap.xml to to fix MovableScreenIssue in the setup of

2011-04-10 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* change default record paths in webif use preferredInstantRecordPath for
instant record instead of last videodir and preferredTimerPath instead of
last timer videodir. fixes different behavior of e2 and webif.

2011-03-29 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* use "True" and "False" in e2simplexmlresult

2011-04-09 Dario Croci <[email protected]>

* SerienFilm: add italian translation.
* ZapHistoryBrowser: update for italian translation.
* Autotimer - Update for italian translation.

2011-04-07 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* fix string escaping so gettext can handle it.

2011-04-05 Jörg Trahm <[email protected]>

* [Elektro] Fix: Multi-Language (locale) does not work

2011-04-03 Jörg Trahm <[email protected]>

* [FanControl2] Fc2 disabled if box has no fan control Fc2WebIf: disabled if
webif not installed Fc2Webif: show sensor name as a tooltip

2011-04-01 vali <vali@andLinux.(none)>

* [AiHDcontroler] bugfix in NextEvent-renderer

2011-03-31 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* fix typo preventing description import into enigma2 translation system.

2011-03-29 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* fix services in add/edit

2011-03-25 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* allow to unset timespan, timeframe, offset,
maxduration now empty parameters (e.g. /autotimer/edit?id=1&offset=) will
unset the attribute instead of keeping the current value. to not alter them
just don't add the parameter.

2011-03-24 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* add svdrp to buildsystem also added a note to the **** file stating that
probably no one should use this plugin let alone need it… besides me of
course Smile

2011-03-18 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* e2tags is space- and not comma-separated

2011-03-17 Moritz Venn <[email protected]>

* use standard e2tags tag in webif api keep
singular <tag> for real config but use comma separated list of tags in webif
api. No backwards compatability since I don't know any adopter of this API
yet and this saves me some time implementing mine :-)

2011-03-16 sreichholf <[email protected]>

* add /opkg (same as /ipkg) simplify some code in

2011-03-14 sreichholf <[email protected]>

* ...
* Add /opkg (same as /ipkg) just for "style" reasons

2011-03-12 Alexander Lätsch <[email protected]>

* [VlcPlayer] update for newer VLC (Version > 0.9)
* [VlcPlayer] dm8000 additional keys STOP/PLAYPAUSE added

2011-03-10 vali <vali@andLinux.(none)>

* [EasyInfo] add primetime3-value for second row in primetime-look
* [EasyInfo] resize the field-size for event now/next start times
* [Ai.HD] bugfix: DC-Style, EventTimes



2010-09-22 Eric Bénard <[email protected]>

* classes/update-rc.d.bbclass: move update-rc after postinst without this,
launching a daemon can fail if postinst is supposed, for example, to fix
permissions of directories used by the daemon. Acked-by: Marcin Juszkiewicz
<[email protected]> Acked-by: Frans Meulenbroeks
<[email protected]> Acked-by: Henning Heinold
<[email protected]>

2011-03-21 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* dbus: remove from runlevel S
* avahi-0.6.25: remove opendreambox override in order to avoid starting
avahi-daemon twice

2011-03-21 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-03-22 ghost <[email protected]>

* replace some /proc/stb checks with $D checks fix dm8000 legacy flash
mapping detection
* linux-opendreambox-2.6.18: disable jffs2 summary support for dm800, dm500hd
and dm800se to reduce overhead use full flash memory on dm8000 (256MB) with
enabled jffs2 summary for faster mount time reflash image is needed to use
full flash size! as long no reflash was done we switch to legacy flash
mapping use 256M flash memory on dm7020hd increased size of boot partition on
dm8000 and dm7020hd to 7MB (new 2nd is needed!)
* update dm7020hd (not public yet) and dm8000
secondstage loader to support new flash mapping (256MB support)

2011-03-21 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm7020hd dvb-modules
* add missing 7020hd bootlogo checksum
* needed changes for new buildimage tool
* update to new version


2011-03-22 ghost <[email protected]>

* dm7025.conf: fix buildimage

2011-03-22 skaman <[email protected]>

2011-03-23 ghost <[email protected]>

* load 8712u wlan driver on 7025 bootup

2011-03-26 ghost <[email protected]>

* enable CONFIG_BCMINTEMAC_7038_STREAMING=y kernel option on all broadcom
based dreamboxes this fixes stability issues on upload (No Rx Descriptor,
disabling rx DMA in kernel log)

2011-03-26 ghost <[email protected]>

* recipes/linux: fix some typos

2011-03-31 ghost <[email protected]>

* increment audioparsers rank again ... this
fixes ac3 audio problems when external audio sink is used fixes bug #743

2011-04-03 Andreas Oberritter <[email protected]>

* linux-dm7020hd: fix offset of root partition

2011-04-14 Mladen Horvat <[email protected]>

* Add enigma2-drivers-**** package. Add driver for Ralink
RT8070/RT3070/RT3370 based wireless-n USB devices. add rt3070 driver and
enigma2-drivers-**** to according tasks-opendreambox packages.

2011-05-28 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated source mirrors with sifteam url
* updated SRCREV
* Updated bootlogo
* Removed many dependencies in task-opendreambox-enigma2 (so plugins can be
manually removed without force depends)

2011-05-25 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV

2011-05-23 skaman <[email protected]>

* Reverted et5000 defconfig fix
* Fixed perl-native compilation on ubuntu 11.04

2011-05-16 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV
* Updated et5000 and et9000 drivers and kernel config

2011-05-14 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated some v4l-dvb firmware

2011-05-13 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added missing v4l-dvb-module-em28xx-dvb module in tuners task

2011-05-10 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV

2011-05-09 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV
* Fixed pcsc-lite memory leak

2011-05-07 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added libpcsclite1 preinstalled as default

2011-05-06 ghost <[email protected]>

* dreambox hardware drivers update bcm4506/bcm4501 fixed broken toneburst
handling (broken since 20110501 drivers)

2011-05-05 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Update SRCREV for v4l-dvb

2011-05-04 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Update SRCREV usbloader for new dictionary
* Update SRCREV for v4l-dvb

2011-05-04 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dm8000 driver date too
* update dm500hd,dm800se,dm8000,dm7025,dm800 hardware drivers - bcm4506:
reintroduce minimum tune timeout of 1,5sek to fix tune failed problems caused
by slow SEC switches

2011-05-03 ghost <[email protected]>

* update dreambox hardware drivers dm800/dm8000/dm800se/dm500hd
---------------------------- finally fixed 20110501 freeze hotfix dm7025
------- - fixed bcm4506 tuner crash (no hab ack messages in kernel debug) -
fixed bcm4506 manual LDPC FEC modes - fixed bcm4506 readback of current pilot
state - readback corrected symbolrate and frequency for bcm4506 - cxd1981
DVB-C optimizations

2011-05-02 skaman <[email protected]>

* Increased task wlan PR
* Updated vu+ drivers 20110429
* Small fix on azbox bootup

2011-05-01 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed rt61 makefile
* Removed useless files in ralink section
* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* Added correct wifi module initialization in azbox bootup

2011-05-01 ghost <[email protected]>

* fixed get_property implementation
* update dm800 dm800se dm500hd dm8000 hardware drivers - hotfix freeze after
some channel changes - throttled mpeg decoder debug output a bit - fixed
bcm4506 tuner crash (no hab ack messages in kernel debug) - fixed bcm4506
manual LDPC FEC modes - fixed readback of current pilot state for dvb-s2
frontends (needs a linuxtv api fix) - readback corrected symbolrate and
frequency for bcm4501 and bcm4506 - cxd1981 DVB-C optimizations

2011-05-01 skaman <[email protected]>

* Fixed showiframe on azbox (thanks to tideglo)
* Added rt61 driver for azbox wireless (untested)
* Updated crossepg to svn 292

2011-04-30 skaman <[email protected]>

* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* updated SRCREV
* Updated et9000 and et5000 drivers to 20110423
* Updated bm750 and vusolo modules to 20110426

2011-04-24 skaman <[email protected]>

* Updated crossepg to release 0.6.2 svn 260


No Changes

No Changes

No Changes


2011-05-04 Bobsilvio <[email protected]>

* Added Technisat Airstar Telestick 2 in dictionary

2011-05-01 skaman <[email protected]>

* Added rt61 modules as blacklisted (it's not and usb device... this is a

SIF OpenEE Vusolo Gecko 20110528173243
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