Semi-newbie wild feeder intro

Mr Tea

Greetings from Silicon Valley!

I've had a 1.2m Prodelin dish (ex-VSAT repurposed for FTA) a few years. I've experimented with Ku and C-band (conical scalar works wonders) on the arc it can see--about 99w to 124w. It's been parked at 103W two years--no fun to move as it's really designed for static use. By measuring the exposed length of the az/el adjusting rods I've logged sat positions, which is crude but (somewhat) effective.

I've got a multi-LNB Ku bracket on the way and will be reporting on my setup once complete in case it's of use to anyone else with a similar setup or considering one.

I've been watching awards show behind-the-scenes and unedited show feeds on this bird until today, due to encryption.

Tuner is an Edision OS mio + 4K with TNAP and OpenVix. I know--need to get this into a proper signature.

I'll be perusing the forums for info after a family visit, but wanted to get the introduction our of the way.



Marching On Together !
Staff member
Welcome to SU.

Enjoy the forum !


Senior Member
Someone new from across the creek. Welcome.
A steerable polar mount or Stab type motor would be a plus.
I live on the Eastern part of the US. Played around with c band on a Viasat dish.
There are some transponders that have enough signal to give lock. But having a 12 footer really makes the hobby enjoyable with less headaches.
I've stored every satellite from 34W to 131W. 34 is the weakest and gives 3.5 dB max. so far. 115W was an elusive one. 111W I hear has a signal but haven't worked it yet.

Only in the late fall and winter can I get 131W after the leaves fall.
On the smaller dish I played around with turning a few delrin sleeve bushings to slip inside of the dish pole clamp.
Then used a wall mount pole and bracket tilted back to make a poor mans polar mount. Slipped the dish over it. A bit of tweaking.
Had a fairly usable mount that only required swinging the dish. No more up, down, right, and left. But that was for ku only. c band was just too weak.

Guess I need to do the signature thing too. Never did.
I have a mio4k. Dual Norsats on an ortho. ASC-1 mover. Also a sidecar geosatpro ku lnbf.
ViX is my daily image. You do know that you can use TNAP drivers in ViX don't you?
Load the TNAP drivers into it. FTP them to a place of your choice. Backup your ViX driver and drag the TNAP driver in. I'm using the TNAP mod right now to capture low sr tp's.
Reboot the receiver and give the drivers a blindscan test in ViX.