Peter Pan 3.0 - Aurora Dreams - Summer Beta Edition DM500HD v2


Well Known Member
Peter Pan 3.0 - Aurora Dreams - Summer Beta Edition (30.08.2013) DM500HD v2

Welcome to our third version of Peter Pan Neverland named Aurora dreams. This time we decided to work on making Dreambox more vibrant.
Keywords: Appearance - Help - Information - Playground.
To make it happen, again we had to reorganize and optimized our Neverland menu - this time with new opportunities with placement of different e2 plugins, new settings options for better overview, new PPtools and live graphic skin setup makes the new Neverland menus operations content and appearance broadly up to you.

The new PPtools include:
* Cronjob Manager - add / edit / remove cronjobs, save & restart cron daemon.
* LCD display setup with live selection of LCD appearance, and if thats not enough, you got a picon thumbnail viewer inside this plugin.
* Genuine Dreambox - Neverland menu will only work on Genuine Dreamboxs.
* Neverland Graphical EPG with link to EPG download and IMDb.
* News Popup will provide you With latest PP News and update reminders.
* Picons - for 0.8W - 4.8/13/19.2/23.5/28.2E using Service reference in several sizes and designs.
* Plugin Browser is redesigned with plugin sort and plugin hider.
* Process Manager - available to kill / killall on process and CPU usage shows "realtime" output.
* Skin mover - lets you move skins and use them from a extern devices.
* Tinkerbells Skin Changer - lets you set up a individual Skin based on NewNeverland-DreamSkinHD setup, with over xxx graphic items.
* PP Infocenter - All information about your dreambox in one Place.
* LCD4linux Integrated and ready to use with Your favorite external LCD display.
* PP Cam menu and PP Autocam. What more do you ever need?
* Neverland Userscript plugin - Gather all your scripts and enjoy them from this plugin.
* PP Memory Expander - Move all Your extension plugins and Python files to another media. Save memory and have incredible fun with this plugin activated!
* and a lot more...

In other words - the new Neverland gives you a myriad of opportunities fore you to put together your own unique image.

Peter Pan Team welcomes you on board and we hope you will enjoy and have a lot of fun with our new images.
By the way: We support multiboot and SoftCam!

This time we like send our thanks to: aladin25 - Coolman - Dr. Best - - Dream Multimedia - E2developers - Gutemine - joergm6 - Kerni - MartiniB - pasurimi - Sundtek - Vali - by keep your files open, letting us learn or helping us in other ways.

Peter Pan Neverland v3.0 is based on OE2.0 and made for real Enigma2/Dreambox only.
We like to keep it that way. Thank you for your understanding.

Make a backup of your system settings from Software Manager in Tool menu and 3.0 can be used in less than 10. min.

Dear friends, we know it is a bit controversial to let other plugins be a part of our menu thats not our own, therefore we also take no responsibility for any errors in them. But sends our thanks to the makers. June 2013
Peter Pan Team

Peter Pan 3.0 - Aurora Dream - Summer beta edition

Be nice, this is a test release that have not been tested by PP Team yet. Just tell us if it boots, and how it works!

This image needs bootloader #88 !

Here are the good stuff!

Image DM500HD v2

PP Team

