orbit down in abracad abra


Senior Member
Big boss is the card abracadabra the K3 card because I saw it at my friend and it looks exactly like the K3 Card


Well Known Member
Hi I know that some are talking on Orbit.
To start with yes my card stopped working on Orbit but
my 6 other cards which I always prepare them with last firm to
be ready and I tried them and some of them are still working.
I know that this is funny but there must be some explanation.
I have to go out now but I will try check why.
only thing I can tell you is to try to leave it for 20 minutes on Boomerang and see if it can pick the keys.


Well Known Member
Never mind Boomerang cause I have left mine till I was back home and nothing changed on this card. There is a new firm out and it is for Biss keys(fixed) but if you do it as soon as possible it will kick Orbit after 3 minutes try it and keep on going on all other packages to open them. Just keep in mind to switch on every package everyday to keep them well updated.