Opera 11 gets 6.7 million downloads in a day



Opera 11 gets 6.7 million downloads in a day

Shatters previous records for company

Opera 11 - here at last

Opera 11 has broken the company's first day download records, with 6.7 million people taking a look at the latest browser on its debut.

Opera has a reputation for innovation in its browsers, so interest in its full versions is always high.

And this has not changed with the latest release, although the company admits that the auto-update feature did help its first day total somewhat.


"Yesterday, Opera 11 was downloaded a total of 6.7 million timeswith 1,1 millions coming from download partners around the globe," blogged Espen André Øverdahl.

"What about auto-update, you say? There's no question that auto-update does help download numbers, as it should.

"We want people using the newest version and we want to make it easy for them to get it. Still, not every single person using Opera's desktop version received the auto-update message.

"50 million downloads all at once might, at worst, rip a hole in the fabric of space-time, sending our offices hurtling into a parallel universe where toasters fly and everyone uses MS Bob.

"Or it might just make the downloads really slow. Either way, we aren't taking chances."

The new browser version brings a host of redesigned features and an 'elegant' user interface, and you can check it out at http://w#w#w.op#era.c#om.