OpenVIX 6.x VU+UNO 4K se


Staff member
openvix: release 5.4.007

Merge branch 'Dev'
[Translation] update de
[480 display skin] Delete trailing whitespace
[480 display skin] Add Number zap Also make identical in picon version
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
[ParentalControl] Fix BSoD
[satfinder] Make UI consistent with "Setup" screens
[ScanSetup] Remove unnecessary code
[Satconfig/ScanSetup] Remove dead code
[ParentalControlSetup] Make UI consistent with "Setup" screens
[ScanSetup] Make UI consistent with "Setup" screens
[VideoMode] Make UI consistent with "Setup" screens
[AVSwitch] Cosmetic
[ConfigListScreen] KEY_MENU: do nothing when ConfigNothing
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
MediaPlayer - add to playlist directory contents with .ts too
Fastscan - add KableKiosk (table on 19.2E, services on 9E)
[PliExtraInfo] Simplify "ALL" when it is IPTV
EPGCache: Start reading transponder data after load of epg.dat has finished
Fix another plural translation string
Log rather than crash if a widget has no parent
opentv: fix missing summaries on "New:" events
[NumberZap] Fix: not updating the panel on subsequent key presses
Fix another choicebox related crash
[Converter] FrontendInfo, add missing boolean
Fix software update screen crash
MovieList multiselect move/delete fix Selection wasn't moving up the list correctly when doing a multiple delete or move
Fix crash introduced by ChoiceBox changes
[EventView] "key_green" is not an attribute


Staff member
openvix: release 5.4.008

[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
Bugfix: Fix PiP state when using infobar grid EPG
openvix: developer
Fix movielist collection bugs
openvix: developer
Optionally group recordings by name into collections
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
[Tools.Directories] SCOPE_FONT: Check the "fonts" folder
Bugfix to re-enable exiting of FIW Ability to exit got removed in the skin reload bugfix
openvix: developer
Revert "[dvbtime] Remove unnecessary differences that would cause merge errors"
Revert "[dvbtime] reinstate "timeOK" variable as this is used in"
openvix: developer
openvix: developer
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
[] tweak indent
Add a global scrollbar style You can now optionally set a single global scrollbar style for all eListbox based widgets and ScrollLabel. Example
Fix MovieList itemHeight bug
openvix: developer
[ScanSetup] Support turbo2
openvix: developer
Bugfix: Crash when a single move file fails
Centre align movielist icons and progressbar If no partIconeShift or pbarShift is specified, the progress icon and the progress bar respectively align to the centre of the item text
Allow skins to specify default item height For all EpgList components and the MovieList, you can now specify an itemHeight which is used as a default Users can override this in the settings, but if they don't, then switching skins will use the skin's preferred default
[ChoiceBox] Auto buttonsattempt 2
[InfoBarGenerics] reinstate "eventinfo_order"
[ChoiceBox] Fix using "eval" to fetch an attribute
Make skin reload notification show correctly
[ChoiceBox] Remove auto menu key icon
[Satconfig] setup tuners FBCLink remove all 1.2 diseqc mode
[Satconfig] Cosmetic
[Satconfig] fix assign 3607 value(this str not int)
[NimManager/SatConfig] Change a variable name
[OpentvZapper] add pip download
[InfoBarGenerics] Cosmetic
[InfoBarGenerics] Remove dead code
[CI] Remove unneeded code
[InputDeviceSetup] Remove pointless code
[VideoMode] remove pointless code
[ParentalControlSetup] Remove pointless code
[UserInterfacePositioner] Remove pointless code
Skin reloader bugfixes


Staff member
openvix: release 5.4.009

Merge branch 'Dev'
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
openvix: developer
[] Expose screen errors properly in the debug log
[opentv.cpp] startSecond: Test some changes suggested by LraiZer
[Converter/TransponderInfo] Avoid possible BSoD
Fix movieselection crash when nothing is selected
[Converter/TransponderInfo] conditional icons for DVB type
Add scale argument in loadSVG
openvix: developer
[hdmi_cec ]fix previous commit - not break is [[fallthrough]]
[] Remove unused variable
[] prevent possible BSoD
[] Change a variable name
[] Simplify legacy "setupdom" function
[] allow multiple, semi-colon delimited items in the "require" attribute
[] Expose formatting code as methods
[] Show default value
[Converter/ServiceInfo] add Poll to force icons to update reliably
Correct a comment, which has led to several instances of incorrect code.
Add a toDisplayString() to the ConfigClock and ConfigDateTime classes.
[SystemInfo] Update Blindscan_t2_available