how to extract rsa key from card by sending emm or ecm to card. how will i know this is rsa key. please some hint.
rsa key in your card, not here..
hi arabe.. i you writed 5x.. You have card from HD box and this is 100 % HW married.. if you not decected you must remembered this !! not chance for you on this moment
too in SD boxes is stored in flash
how to extract rsa key from card by sending emm or ecm to card. how will i know this is rsa key. please some hint.
not working bro...
i extracted the bin file today from stb...
try again dumped you stb and too try make emmlog.bin file from you provider
its giving me same bin... how to get the log file?
if card work in this original receiver and in oscam no.. you have bad oscam or bad config file
another card works in this oscam config...there is two space on the rsa key i removed the spaces. is that a problem?
spaces maked this board.. normal RSA is whitnout spaces
spaces maked this board.. normal RSA is whitnout spaces