Mbox EMUs for AZboxHD


Senior Member
Get the file attached to this message [mbox_azbox.zip], without the .sh file etc. [which might not work in the next release of EMUs for AZboxHD, allegedly]

Follow the dosenbrot's directions after that:

1) one only needs to make a folder named MboxCAS,

2) put all the necessary files in it: Mbox.cfg,ident.info, ignore.list and mbox_module himself

3) the only one to give the rights [CHMOD 755] is the mbox_module itself

4) in this folder also make an openxcas.conf file and put the following in:

name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
version = 0.23 4th

later put: AP= yes or no and Wait= 0 or 10 Seconds and maybe more

5) in OpenXCAS folder rename the module.seq file to MboxCAS and save it

6) configure your mbox.cfg and cwshare and all will work without any .sh File

7) The important parameters in Mbox.cfg are:

- T: { /tmp/ }

- K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }

- P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }