Man pulls car with ears


Man pulls car with ears

A Chinese man has pulled a car for more than 200 metres - with his ears - while riding a motorbike.

Wang Lianhai, 36, from Qiqihaer city, demonstrated the stunt in a street in Beijing.

With his ears attached to metal clamps, in turn connected to steel wires, he pulled the 1.2 tonne car with a driver sitting inside.

After several failed attempts, Wang reportedly gave a loud cry and drove the motorbike slowly forward, stopping only at the end of the street.

"Although by foot it's more safe, I prefer to pull the car using a motorbike, which requires more skill," he said.

Wang said he had been working on the stunt since childhood when he had been "very naughty and eager to try new things".

His next ambition is to pull a ship, reports the Beijing Evening News.