Majority of Canadian TV campaigns are cross-platform


Senior Member
The majority of Canadian video advertising campaigns are structured to be cross-screen.

According to an analysis of all impressions running through Videology's platform in Canada during the third quarter, there was a 154% year-on-year increase in the number of campaigns delivered on more than one type of device.

These accounted for more than half of all online video ad campaigns (53%) in Q3 2015. Specifically, in Q3, 41% of all campaigns ran ads that were shown on PC and mobile, while 12% were shown on PC, mobile and over the top (OTT).

"Instead of thinking in terms of device planning, advertisers are focusing on the consumer, and using data to reach audiences wherever they are consuming content. It's all about finding the right mix of screens to deliver the best outcomes for a given brand," said Scott Ferber, Videology chairman and CEO. "If anyone questions whether cross-screen planning is delivering better results, one need only look at the trend trajectory. Advertisers flock to strategies that work."

Additionally, the analysis found that the cumulative number of campaigns with a mobile component on the Videology platform grew 170% year-on-year, accounting for 56% of all campaigns in Q3. In contrast, 44% of campaigns used mobile in Q3 2014.

In terms of segment, the auto ad category made up 25% of all impressions in Q3, leading all other categories. But because of the recent national election, political ads saw the most growth year-on-year, skyrocketing 85 times, and accounting for roughly 7% of all impressions.