LT Fifth with SP5 release
Old attachment removed to preserve space
LT SVN 2111
Enigma2 20090128
dm7025 20090116
dm8000 20090126
dm800 20090126
dm7025 61
dm800 70-r1
dm8000 70-r1
-Added Automount-Editor
-Added Bootup-Music plugin (bootup will take longer! don't use if you don't like)
-TextEditor, will be called from the Media-Center - File-Browser
-Added lock/unlock movie functions to the MoviePlayer
-Handle locked/unlocked movies in MoviePlayer
-Added new convert-types to LTServiceToText Converter: Number, NumberName and NumberNameOrbital
-New configs (Show service number in InfoBar: yes/no)
-Added new configs (Show service number in LCD / Show orbital position in LCD)
-Added LTAnalogClock Renderer... not used yet
-New config for LT ZapHistoryBrowser / InfoBar: Picon size (70x53, 100x60, 100x75)
-Added Automount-Editor to QuickMenu
-Handle /etc/auto.hotplug instead of /etc/automount.conf in Link-Manager
-Don't handle automount.conf any more on bootup
-Completly rewritten HDD-Info. Doesn't read from fixed device=/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
-Check zap-history position after changing the zap-history in LT Zap-History-Browser
-Use new grab v0.8 versions in image
-Norweigan translation errors corrected, missing lots of %s
-Removed SleepTimer in Shutdown-Menu since it is now in the CVS-code
-Fix crash while getting event-infos if there is no event (Channel-Selection)
-Calculate skin sizes and move windows to the screen-center (needed for HD/SD skins)
-Added Hutten's new grabbers with his cache stuff
-Added es translation. Thanks to titovich
-Added ST3500820AS to hddtemp database
-Subservice/Recording pixmaps position fix (LT GlassLine.II)
-FIX zPosition in LT GlassLine.II skins (InfoBar and TimeshiftState). Timeshift state was not visible
-Removed non more working 'remove all py-files script'
-LT Stream2Dream v2.6 with new config (mounttype: cifs/samba)
-FIX: Non working LCD/OLED picons using other skins than the GlassLine.II PiG skin
-Speedups in reading orbital position in LTPiconHelper and LTServiceToText
-FIX: non working picons for 28.2E (reading 28.4E from fe-info)
Changes MC:
-Show flac, divx and m4a files in MediaList
-Use new async ePicLoad commands in Webcam-Viewer and Picture-Player
-Disabled configs: 'Thumbnail listview' for FileBrowser (Picture-Player)
-Use new CVS getExif function (MC Picture-Player)
-Use new ePicLoad function and show also embeddedCoverArt if present in MP3-Player
-Use new ePicLoad function and show also embeddedCoverArt if present in Screen-Saver
-Use cdtextinfo to show the filelist (Play AudioCD)
-Added NRK1 and NRK2 to InternetTV. Thanks to Ibanez99
-Added divxcrawler plugin to StreamPlayer+
-Check if movie has been already watched in recording-list. We need nice icons for watched/not watched movies... not shown in list at the moment
-Read movie-tags from **** files instead of /etc/enigma2/movietags
-Added PIN lock function in Recordings. Will use the same PIN like the Setup-lock.
-Handle scripts, packages and text-files in MC-FileBrowser (cfg, ipk, log, sh, tar.gz, tar.bz2, txt)
-Play DVD function (DVD-Player plugin must be installed)
-Added '9 Israel' to Internet TV. Thx to Michael
-Added new ScreenSaver: Analog Clock
-Give the user the posibility to start streaming while caching with OK-button (StreamPlayer and StreamClient)
-New function in FileBrowser: Mountpoints
A big thanks to our beta-tester that are doing an amazing job.
~Ryu~, AVR-rulez, codejunkie, DerMicha, DJ-Power, dsd1036, Gotcha_GT, Jimdefruit, kosmo, kosy, M@$terBl@$ter, mr_secret, mrvalley, Muaitai, ottar, s_a, shshadm, snakie, t40t40, tunhj1, Zeranovsky
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