LAV Filters - DirectShow Media Splitter and Decoders


Well Known Member
LAV Filters v0.45

Date Added: 28.01.2012 21:54:18

Description: Package Includes:
-LAV Splitter v0.45
-LAV Splitter x64 v0.45
-LAV Audio Decoder v0.45
-LAV Audio Decoder x64 v0.45
-LAV Video Decoder v0.45
-LAV Video Decoder x64 v0.45

Changes in v0.45
LAV Splitter:
-Improved playback of concatenated H.264 MOV/MP4 files
-Adjusted FLAC MediaType to avoid ReClock stealing the connection
-Improved playback of MPEG-TS with timestamp discontinuities

LAV Audio:
-Fixed playback of very short PCM samples
-Improved COOK decoding without LAV Splitter

LAV Video:
-New DXVA2 \"copy back\" decoder (see release notes)
-Updated Intel QuickSync decoder (r29)
-Multi-threaded decoding for RV30/40, UtVideo and DNxHD
-Support for the \"FCC\" color matrix
-Improved Dirac support
-CUVID support for MPEG-4 ASP (experimental)
-Support for Intel Indeo 4, MS Video 1, 8BPS, LOCO, ZMBV, VCR1, AASC

DXVA2 \"copy back\" :
In our series of hardware decoders, the new DXVA2 decoder now features hardware decoding also for AMD/ATI.
Its a \"copy back\" (or \"renderless\") decoder - that means all frames are copied back from the GPU to normal memory.

Sadly, however, AMD/ATI cards suffer from a serious performance penalty, which prevents them from showing their full potential. The decoder is fully Blu-ray compliant, and even goes beyond that, however playing 60fps movies will most likely not work fluidly.
H.264, VC-1 and MPEG-2 are fully supported (progressive and interlaced), as long as your hardware can keep up. Very old AMD/ATI cards, like 3000 series and below, might not be able to use this decoder. 4000 and up seem to be working ok.

I do have plans to work on a \"native\" DXVA2 decoder, which does not need to copy the frames back from the GPU, avoiding this performance bottleneck - however that goes with the loss of the flexibility of course. No post-processor, only EVR, etc.

For everyone else, i recommend to stick to your native decoders (CUVID/QuickSync), as they generally work better and faster then DXVA2.

Known Issues:
-Interlaced H.264 on Intel can show image corruption
-Some MPEG-2 streams show image corruption (all GPUs)

There is also the potential for crashing the GPU driver. It happened mostly on VC-1 interlaced, and all cases i encountered i also fixed, but if it happens, just let me know, and i\'ll look into it.

MPEG-4 ASP in the CUVID decoder:
There seems to be an issue in the latest NVIDIA drivers that cause the decoder to not work on most MPEG-4 ASP files!
Older drivers, like 270 series, seem to be working OK.

Its experimental, use it at your own risk, its off by default.

And the rest... :
Everything else is pretty much standard changes, a few new video formats supported, a number of improvements inherited from ffmpeg, the usual number of bugs fixed.

I still didn\'t get around to re-writing the installer, but i hope i can get the motivation to do it for the next big release.
What else is up next? I haven\'t decided. There is some features on the table, audio mixing, dvd support, some subtitle work .. we\'ll see.
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Well Known Member
29 January 2012

LAVFilters-0.45-42b411e :thum:

-Improved playback of concatenated H.264 MOV/MP4 files
-Adjusted FLAC MediaType to avoid ReClock stealing the connection
-Improved playback of MPEG-TS with timestamp discontinuities
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Well Known Member
LAV Filters v0.46

Date Added: 12.02.2012

Description: Package Includes:
-LAV Splitter v0.46
-LAV Splitter x64 v0.46
-LAV Audio Decoder v0.46
-LAV Audio Decoder x64 v0.46
-LAV Video Decoder v0.46
-LAV Video Decoder x64 v0.46

Changes in v0.46
LAV Splitter:
-Experimental support for streaming protocols (RTSP, RTP, MMS)
-Support for IBufferInfo (Buffer Status in MPC-HC \"Statistics\" pane)
-Added a memory limit to avoid too high memory use from the frame queues
-Fixed playback of files with Subtitles in WMP/WMC in some cases

LAV Audio:
-Improved playback of files with bad audio frame interleaving
-Improved support of COOK, ATRAC and SIPR (RealAudio codecs)

LAV Video:
-Updated and improved Intel QuickSync decoder (0.26, r38)
-Fixed DXVA2 software fallback on some lossless H264 clips
-Improved Fraps decoding with EVR
-Improved playback of MPEG4 in MP4
-Multi-threaded decoding for Lagarith
-Fixed playback of Theora with the MPC-HC Ogg Splitter
-Dithering Enhancements:
-New \"Random Dithering\" option (new default)
-Improved \"Ordered Dithering\" in the RGB converter
-Support for decoding v210/v410 raw formats
-Support for Snow and FFV1

Re-written Installer:
I finally got around to cleaning up the Installer and basically re-creating it from scratch.
As a consequence, it now does all the special tasks required to properly register a Splitter in the system, and the itself does not do it anymore.

This means that just registering will no longer change any registry settings and is perfectly safe to do. The only thing it still does is allow playback of Blu-ray bdmv/mpls files, but in a entirely non-destructive way.
This also means that just registering may not allow you to play back all files, at least not in all players. MPC-HC is probably fine (if you add it to preferred filters), other players may not be. I recommend using the Installer! (unless you really know what you\'re doing)

I may also separate the Installer into 32-bit and 64-bit in the future, i have not decided on that yet (this would also mean that the settings get separated between the two versions)

Support for Streaming Protocols:
I added experimental support for a few streaming protocols, specifically RTSP, RTP and MMS.
I tested the feature on alot of streams i could find around the web, as well as against VLC streaming over my local network, and it was working OK\'ish (better for some formats, worse for others). I still consider this feature highly experimental, so try it if you wish, but don\'t expect too much.

To use it, you need to use the Installer (or resort to manual registry hackery), even with MPC-HC.
I have not tested it in any other players.

To use it, just install it and open a rtsp://, rtp:// or mms:// URL.

Random Dithering:
In the past, the complaint occasionally came up that ordered dithering has a too static pattern, which makes it visible in certain situations. This is especially bad with cheap LCD displays (6-bit TN panels), which typically also use ordered dithering - and doing ordered twice results in serious artifacting.

To avoid these issues, i implemented random dithering, which instead of a static pattern uses a randomly generated buffer to dither the pixels, resulting in no visible patterns (unless the RNG is having fun with you)
I decided to make this the new default mode for dithering. Performance should be the same as ordered.

Other changes:
Everything else is pretty standard changes, a bit improved format support, some new formats, bugfixes across the board.

v210 decoding is off by default because its a raw format, and needs to be turned on.

Upcoming is a big ffmpeg update. I haven\'t updated for a while now because i didn\'t want to \"inherit\" any new bugs before the release, so a lot of changes have already piled up, hoping nothing breaks.

As always, please report regressions as detailed as you can, with sample files or other relevant proof.

Have fun!
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