Latest Version Of Milo Image For DM7025


Well Known Member
DM7025 milo-image-dm8000-20090319153209.nfi

19 maart 2009

Nieuw in deze release:

* Fix in opname menu (sub-folder)

In dit image:

* Opname menu verbeteringen: Auto-tagging, afspeelstatus icoontjes, folder selecteren
* Picons downloaden naar CF, USB of HDD
* NETcaster plugin fixes van Bushwhacker
* Nederlandse vertalingen
* Mount manager
* DVD speler
* Mediaspeler
* CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key worden uit /hdd/backup teruggezet, net als in Ronaldd
* Software manager zit nu onder blauwe knop of onder "instellingen", zoals DMM het wil
* Enigma2 CVS van 2009-03-18
* CCcam 2.0.11
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* Veel van Ronaldd's toevoegingen in zijn december 2008 image

Traduction : Néerlandais » Allemand

19. März 2009 

Neu in dieser Version: 

* Fix im Aufnahme-Menü (Sub-Ordner) 

In diesem Bild: 

* Aufnahmemenü Verbesserungen: Auto-Tagging-, Wiedergabe-Status-Symbole, Ordner, wählen Sie 
* Picon download CF oder USB-Festplatte 
* NETcaster Plugin behebt Bushwhacker 
* Niederländisch Übersetzung 
* Berg-Manager 
* DVD-Player 
* Media 
* CCCam.cfg. Ssh dir und dropbear_rsa_key ab / hdd / backup wieder, wie in Ronaldd 
* Software-Manager wird nun unter blaue Taste oder "Institutionen", wie er will DMM 
* Enigma2 CVS von 2009-03-18 
* CCcam 2.0.11 
* Freesat EPG 
* Media Highway EPG 
* EPG-Import-Patch 
* Viele Ronaldd der Ergänzungen im Dezember 2008 Bild

gracias Felek


To night no posibles files :(


Staff member


Enigma 2 Images

New in this release
************************************************** ********** *

Upgraded tuxtxt which enable teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup, like Ronaldd's image
Configuration backup/restore is now located in the "blue" menu (DMM changed this)
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-01
CCcam 2.1.0
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)



Staff member
milo-image-dm7025- 04.04.2009


New in this release

Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
Rearranged settings menu

Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-03
CCcam 2.1.0
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)



Staff member
milo-image-dm7025 -07.04.2009

milo-image-dm7025 -07.04.2009

New in this release

Bugfix for rotor problem in april 4 release
Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
Rearranged settings menu
Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-03
CCcam 2.1.0
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member


New in this release

Enigma 2 updates: Fix for audio selection and timer conflicts
Lots of crash fixes in the NetCaster plugin
DVD player should be able to play commercial DVDs now
Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
Rearranged settings menu
Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-09
CCcam 2.1.0
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 18 .04 .2009

April 18, 2009

New in this release

* NetCaster plugin improvements
* Mount harddisk, USB and CF using 'noatime' option


* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-16
* CCcam 2.1.0
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 24.04.2009

April 24, 2009

New in this release

* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat


* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* NETcaster plugin fixes by Bushwhacker
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-21
* CCcam 2.1.0
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 25.04.2009

April 25, 2009

New in this release

* Fixed picon download which was broken in the April 24 image
* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat


* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-23
* CCcam 2.1.0
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
milo-image-dm7025 01.05.2009

milo-image-dm7025 01.05.2009

May 1, 2009

New in this release

-Lots of updates from the central repository
-EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
-NETcaster that does not crash
-Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
-Rearranged settings menu
-Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
-Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per -hour
-Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
-Driver updates for DM8000
-Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
-MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons -(beta), directory selection
-Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
-Dutch translations
-Downloadable skins
-Mount manager
-DVD player
-Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
-Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-04-29
-CCcam 2.1.0
-Freesat EPG
-Mediahighway EPG
-EPG import patch
-NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)


Senior Member
unfortunately from 6 days the mp3 not work any more on dm7025 , DMM must fix that in the source :rolleyes:

i go to test this image and i hope that Milo has fixed this problem
thanks juli13


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 09.05.2009

May 9, 2009

New in this release:

* Lots of updates from the central repository
* Added 'groups' command to keep WinSCP happy
* FLV files supported by media player (audio only)
* CCcam 2.1.1 embedded in image


* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-05-08
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 16.05.2009

May 16, 2009

New in this release:

* Again, lots of updates from the central repository
* Changed LCD screen (will do some serious work next week on this)


* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-05-15
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
milo-image-dm7025 21.05.2009

New in this release:

Again, lots of updates from the central repository
LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
NETcaster that does not crash
Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
Rearranged settings menu
Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-05-19
CCcam 2.1.1
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)



Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 30.05.2009

May 30, 2009

New in this release:

* Magic skin is now default (work in progress though)


* LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-05-29
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 05.06.2009

June 5, 2009

New in this release:

* More changes to the Magic skin, especially the infobars and channel select
* Fix crash when displaying TTX subtitles


* LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-06-05
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Latest Version of milo-image-dm7025


    *  LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
    * EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
    * NETcaster that does not crash
    * Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
    * Rearranged settings menu
    * Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
    * Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
    * Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
    * Driver updates for DM8000
    * Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
    * MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
    * Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
    * Dutch translations
    * Downloadable skins
    * Mount manager
    * DVD player
    * Mediaplayer
    * Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
    * Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-06-12
    * CCcam 2.1.1
    * Freesat EPG
    * Mediahighway EPG
    * EPG import patch
    * NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
    * ctorrent in feed (commandline)
    * djmount in feed (commandline)



Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 13.06.2009

June 13, 2009

New in this release:

* Satellite list from Henksat, settingslists are to be available later this week
* Magic skin: Centered channel selection, movieplayer infobar even lighter.


* LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-06-12
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)


Staff member
Milo-image-dm7025 19.06.2009

New in this release:

  • Magic skin: Infobar

  • LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
  • EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
  • NETcaster that does not crash
  • Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
  • Rearranged settings menu
  • Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
  • Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
  • Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
  • Driver updates for DM8000
  • Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
  • MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
  • Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
  • Dutch translations
  • Downloadable skins
  • Mount manager
  • DVD player
  • Mediaplayer
  • Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
  • Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-06-18
  • CCcam 2.1.1
  • Freesat EPG
  • Mediahighway EPG
  • EPG import patch
  • NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
  • ctorrent in feed (commandline)
  • djmount in feed (commandline)




New in this release:

    * Magic skin: Skinned some network pages
    * Updated DM800/8000 drivers


    * LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
    * EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
    * NETcaster that does not crash
    * Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
    * Rearranged settings menu
    * Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
    * Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
    * Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
    * Driver updates for DM8000
    * Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
    * MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
    * Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
    * Dutch translations
    * Downloadable skins
    * Mount manager
    * DVD player
    * Mediaplayer
    * Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
    * Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-06-26
    * CCcam 2.1.1
    * Freesat EPG
    * Mediahighway EPG
    * EPG import patch
    * NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
    * ctorrent in feed (commandline)
    * djmount in feed (commandline)



Staff member
Super Moderator
milo-image-dm7025 - 06.07.2009

Juli 6, 2009

New in this release:

* Magic skin: EPG list shows title bar with channel name


* LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
* EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
* NETcaster that does not crash
* Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
* Rearranged settings menu
* Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
* Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
* Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
* Driver updates for DM8000
* Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
* MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
* Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
* Dutch translations
* Downloadable skins
* Mount manager
* DVD player
* Mediaplayer
* Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
* Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-07-06
* CCcam 2.1.1
* Freesat EPG
* Mediahighway EPG
* EPG import patch
* NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
* ctorrent in feed (commandline)
* djmount in feed (commandline)