Latest version of Hadu Plugin

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Staff member
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - v Beta 0.118

-left double-click on icon in Systray displays the Monitor window,
-workaround for Trumanshare "wrapper" application, which sends TS data with an incorrect length,
-maximum value for ECMTimeOut option has been increased to 120 seconds,
-PMT PID is displayed within the Monitor window (just before the status of the PMT),
-decrypt cyphered subtitles when used as a DVBViewer plugin (DVBViewerAllAudio=1 is required),
-bug fix concerning Irdeto ECMs with a lots of ChIDs,
-TimeRecon option added, for re-connections. It is recommended not to modify the default value for this option.


Super VIP
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.119

-minor modifications concerning the windows resizing,
- it's now possible to load up to 64 CCCam servers within Hadu. 
  But it's still limited to 6 active CCCam servers at the same time; 
  you can choose which 6 active CCCam servers within -up to- 
  the 64 possible ones,
- the maximum number of hops per node is now restricted to 8 
  (which is probably still too much from a reasonable point of view),
- an external -limited- tool called HaduSer has been created in order 
  to get a few infos from Hadu and to send it a few commands, for 
  Windows Vista/Seven and the DVBViewer recording service (and the 
  DVBLink TVSource service). See "DVBViewerRecServ" option within the 
  [Specific] section of Hadu.ini, and refer to the readme.txt file coming 
  with Haduser for more infos,
- several bug fixes concerning the Irdeto CAID and the way Hadu selects 
  the correct ChId for a channel,
- minor bug fix within the statistic computes for a node,
- a few modifications into the ECM process and selection,
- the way Hadu starts/stops CCCam servers within the DVBViewer recording 
  service has been modified. By default, session(s) with the concerned 
  server(s) is/are now only active when the recording is running: see 
  "DVBViewerIdleServ" option within the [Specific] section of Hadu.ini. 
  But you can still return to the former way (i.e. session with the server  
  always active) by setting this option to 1,
- workaround for non null messages 05 (Server ask) in case of CCCam server 
  version 2.1.2. Hadu will now stop and re-start the server session, after a 
  few ECM answers when having received this message.


Staff member


-bug fix for the "DVBViewerRecServ" option when set to 2 (always active),
-bug fix for incomplete server disconnections (if provoked by the server).


Staff member
Super Moderator
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - v Beta 0.121

-bug fix for some incorrect connections in some cases.


Staff member
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - v Beta 0.122

Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - v Beta 0.122

-Workaround for CCCam version 1.2.3. Hadu is now considered back as a 2.0.11 version client by default. Furthermore, it's possible to modify the client version sent to the server (see "Version" option).


Staff member
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.123

-EMM support (still experimental),
-possibility to indicate a static Node ID added,
-ECM process largely modified. If this new version doesn't work properly for you, get back to your former version,
-controls concerning the ECM provider completed,
-default value for the "WantEmus" option is now set to [0=No],
-memory occupation for each server lowered,
-several other bug fixes and minor enhancements.


Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.124

-server build display added (Server Infos window),
-DCWsOneServ general option added (though it's not recommended to change it),
-several bug fixes concerning the connection step. The timeout value for connections is now 3 times the timeout value for ECM receptions,
-changes within the internal events process (clean up and bug fixes),
-NonStd server option added, relative to some CCCam server emulation (i.e. servers with a non standard CCCam server behavior, probably due to a modified software or an emulation). A warning is eventually displayed about possible such kind of servers in the Server Infos window,
-size for Monitor and Server Infos windows saved into Hadu.ini (if changed by the user),
-internal option NoDelay set back to a safer value by default (due to too many crashes or hangs with several DVB applications). You can now remove the "Nodelay=0" configuration line within your Hadu.ini file, if you've set it before,
-reinforcement of the received CCCam data controls,
-modification for the status of the CCCam servers when started (Monitor window),
-simplification concerning the ECM PID selection. If an ECM PID is now forced (using the ECM list into the Monitor window) and if the result is unsuccessful, a full standard retry then occur (i.e. using all the possible nodes and CAIDs, and respecting the priority rules defined). The "Cancel manual ECM PID selection" menu has been removed (no more used),
-support of the main CCCam "checks": commands 05, 0B, ... The former workaround for command 05 checks has been removed. The main check currently occurs after more than 2 hours (i.e. long session),
-a few modifications or adds concerning the informations logged,
-for users using also HaduSer, please upgrade to HaduSer version (or else exchanges with this new version of Hadu is no more possible)


Super VIP
Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.125

[B]MD5 (Hadu.dll):[/B] 2094D76F14A6867BAA00AA6710744EC5

This is essentially a correction version: several major bugs have been fixed.

- several major bug fixes, mainly if 2 or more servers are used (but not only),
- correct support of the server rejection for the user connection. 
  Possible error messages returned by the server are now displayed at the 
  bottom at the Server Infos window,
- "IgnoreProvFor" option added, to ignore the provider checks for one or 
  several CAID. It may be needed for instance, if the CAID tunneling feature 
  (Betacrypt<--->Nagra3) is no more working properly in your case (set 
  "IgnoreProvFor=1702" for the concerned server).


Staff member

Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.126

-temporary workaround for OSCAM servers (see "OSCAMWa" option, and all the comments for it) added as a possible option,
-possibility to have only EMM active added (see "EMMAlone" option),
-the maximum number of providers per nodes has been increased to 40,
-possibility to update more than one card (i.e. node) of the same CAID for EMM purposes added,
-bug fix for nodes with too many providers,
-transparency for Monitor and Server Infos windows added (see "UseTransparency" option for more details),
-"IgnoreProvFor" option now also used for EMMs,
-providers are no more checked for Betacrypt CAIDs (ECMs and EMMs). So, you can remove your "IgnoreProvFor=1702" or "IgnoreProvFor=1722" option lines if you wish,
-bug fix for BetaCrypt EMMs process,
-bug fix concerning the DCWsOneServ option,
-bug fix for the emulator nodes recognizing,
-modification for the non standard CCCam servers and the corresponding "NonStd" option: it's now supposed to work automatically (see "NonStd" option for more details),
-bug fixes concerning different particuliar cases when several servers are in use,
-bug fix for incorrect behavior of server connections when the plugin is deactivated,
-bug fix because current ECMs were not sent immediately when a new server is activated (if several servers are active and at least one is OK),
-by default value has been changed for the MaxConnections and MaxECMPIDs options. You'll have to manually modify your current Hadu.ini file, if you plan to use these new by default values,
-number of active CCCam servers at the same time no more limited to 6 (but still limited to a maximum of 64 CCCam servers, active or not active). Set the new by default values for the MaxConnections and MaxECMPIDs options, if several servers are in use,
-bug fixes for a possible improper re-connection when the disconnection has been provoked externally (network and/or distant server),
-bug fix for Viaccess "long" ECMs (for TNTSat mainly),
-size for Monitor and Server Infos windows now also saved into Hadu.ini (if changed by the user) when pushbutton "OK" is pressed. Furthermore, the size of the columns for the different lists of these windows is now also saved,
-it's now possible to sort the nodes list into the Server Infos window for some columns,
-reject of null DCWs (processed as 'No decoding'),
-some other bug fixes and minor enhancements.


Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.127

Hadu - CCCam DVB plugin - version Beta 0.127

-(partial) support for DreCrypt EMMs,
-EMM PIDs associated to ECM PIDs (based upon the CAID and provider criteria) are now all displayed into the concerned column ("Monitor" window),
-an option has been added to display all the other EMM PIDs (i.e. EMM PIDS not associated to ECM PIDs; see "DispAllEMMs" option);
-"EMMCAID" option has been extended, in order to include an optional EMM PID (see "EMMCAID" option),
-bug fix for the non correct display of indexed nodes (when the list of the nodes is sorted by user),
-Hadu is considered back as a 2.1.4 version client by default. You can of course still modify the client version sent to the server (see "Version" option),
-minor modification into the possible levels of informations to log (see "LogMessLevel" option),
-display of the "Server Infos" window has been optimized (it's now a bit more reactive, while using less CPU resources),
-an option has been added when Hadu is used within the DVBViewer recording session. It's now possible to start the connection with the server(s) only if the channel is encrypted (see "DVBViewerEncrServ" option),
-support for the new CCCam commands introduced in CCCam version 2.2.0 or above (i.e. commands 0F for the node data, and commands 0C, 0D for the new CCCam "checks"). An option has been added to authorize or not the Node SID assignment/rejection feature present in commands 0F (see "UseNodeSID" option). The Node SID assignment/rejection feature will be activated by the server, only if Hadu is also declared as a CCCam client version 2.2.0 or above (see "Version" option). But, as there is a bug concerning the new CCCam "checks", declaring Hadu as CCCam client version 2.2.0 may conduct to an improper channel decoding (see the new workaround menu "Switch DCW Last Byte"),
-support for the OSCAM Partner handle, and its Node SID assignment/rejection feature (the Extended ECM Mode is also checked but currently not used). Several options have been added to authorize them or not (see "OSCAMPartner", "OSCAMExt" and "OSCAMSID" options). Furthermore, when activated these features are displayed at the bottom of the "Server Infos" window, as for the build of the OSCAM server,
-2 new features have been added: a list of ECM PIDs used (i.e. ECM PIDs cache; see "Hadu-Cache.txt" file), and a list of manual ECM PIDs (see "Hadu-Manual.txt" file). These features may be activated/deactivated directly from the main menu of Hadu (see "Cache" sub-menu, and "CacheUse", "CacheUpdate", "ManualUse" options),
-an new column (title "Opt") has been added in the list of the nodes into the "Server Infos" window (to display eventual additional infos concerning the nodes),
-all the log files (i.e. 'Hadu-Mes.log', 'Hadu-EMM.log', 'Hadu-PIDxxxx.log' and 'Hadu-Dump.txt') are now always put in the same directory as the plugin itself (no more in path indicated by "Keypath2", if this option is used). "Keypath2" is reserved for files possibly shared within several occurs of Hadu (like the files for the ECM PIDs used and the manual ECM PIDs),
-support for Nagra Tiger EMMs,
-TID and SID for the current channel are displayed into the "Monitor" window,
-an option has been added when providers/ChIDs used within CCCam messages are rejected by the server (see "DontUseProvFor" option),
-usual minor bug fixes and enhancements
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