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# HD_Standby_script v1.0 #
# Scripted by stinkefisch for fun #
# Problem:
# Some hard drives are going into standby mode after a few minutes and when the recording timer
# kicks in (at night time) no data gets written to the disk because the disk is mounted in
# ready-only and the recording fails.
# Info:
# This script wakes up your HD (hopefully) 2 mins before the recording Event
# and remounts the HD read/write for recording.
# The script checks for a new added timer every 60 sec and compares
# the timer with the current epoch time of the system.
# I have tested this script with an AAF E2 image on Kathrein UFS 910 with external HD on BA.
# There is no guarantee this script will work 100% but it does for me.
# Instructions
# 1. mkdir -p /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/
# 2. ftp sdparm to /bin on Kathrein
# 3. chmod 755 /bin/sdparm
# 4. ftp HD_stby_timer.sh to /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/
# 5. chmod 755 /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/HD_stby_timer.sh
# 6. ftp start_HD.sh to /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/
# 7. chmod 755 /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/start_HD.sh
# 8. Add this line to the end of /var/etc/autostart/start.sh
# ### BEFORE THE exit COMMAND ###
# /var/etc/HD_Standby_script/start_HD.sh
# 9. chmod -R 755 /var/etc/HD_Standby_script.
# 10. Restart the receiver. simsalabim ..........
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