Good smartcard programmer


Hello there, I was wondering if anyone knows any good smartcard reader/programmer

Something that (preferebly) I could replace its firmware (not needed so much if not required)

Something that I could use to read/programm SIM cards and SAT cards and also program Funcards or Goldwafer cards with

I am not realy sure how this works, but my HP Elitebook also has a smartcard reader, can I use it to extraxt ViaAcsess key from my legal RTV Slovenija SAT card?

Sorry for souch a dumb question, hope someone knows the anwser


Senior Member
Hi veso266 - for cards you are a little late, it was done about 15 years ago.
You need a CAS interface with it software and a windows Xp.
Good luck


Hi veso266 - for cards you are a little late, it was done about 15 years ago.
You need a CAS interface with it software and a windows Xp.
Good luck

But smart cards are just tiny uC in a plastic package, they are as used as they were 15years ago (sim cards, bank cards, sat cards, etc)

How could I be late
There are modern smart cards that someone wrote a program for and flashed it into somehow

And if a reader can read cards cannt it also program them if you put a programable card like a Funcard inside?

Also how do people read ViaAcsess keys from their cards now, do all use Windows XP computers for that?

I think I found a good reader:

But its a serial reader not PSCS (but if its firmware can be changed maybe it can be made into a PSCS reader?

Or is this PCSC reader better: (it has a simcard slot)

Or maybe there are some good sim cards to normal size smart card adapters maybe

Also can a reader program a programable smart card?

Would like to buy something universal I can use to interface to smartcards but also program Funcards with


Senior Member

This is what you need:

H CAS3 + new device that came to replace CAS3.
H CAS3 + relative to the CAS2 + gives as the user the additional capability to program different types SmartCard. It can also be used to manage J-Tag, ISP, I2C via USB port.

The kit includes:

  • A CAS Interface 3 + device.
  • A 20-pin female cable, length 30cm
  • A Dummy Card

Technical specifications:

USB full-speed connectivity to 12mbit
External 20-pin connection
48Mhz Internal clock speed
No need for external power supply
Full PCMCIA connectivity
Full support for next generation Wireless devices
CAS Studio user friendly GUI

Supported Common Access Modules (CAM):

• Diablo CAM.
• Magic Cam, Matrix Cam, Matrix Revolution, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Reborn.
• Joker Cam, Zeta Cam.
• Dragon Cam.
• X-Cam, with ANGEL and ORION chipsets.
• GigaCAM with Smit chipsets.

Supported SmartCard

• DreamBox 56xx and 7000 series boot repairing function.
• Sidsa embedded chip Set-Top-Boxes programming.
• Cam Explorer.
• Various Utilities.
Sim Editor.



This is what you need:

H CAS3 + new device that came to replace CAS3.
H CAS3 + relative to the CAS2 + gives as the user the additional capability to program different types SmartCard. It can also be used to manage J-Tag, ISP, I2C via USB port.

The kit includes:

  • A CAS Interface 3 + device.
  • A 20-pin female cable, length 30cm
  • A Dummy Card

Technical specifications:

USB full-speed connectivity to 12mbit
External 20-pin connection
48Mhz Internal clock speed
No need for external power supply
Full PCMCIA connectivity
Full support for next generation Wireless devices
CAS Studio user friendly GUI

Supported Common Access Modules (CAM):

• Diablo CAM.
• Magic Cam, Matrix Cam, Matrix Revolution, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Reborn.
• Joker Cam, Zeta Cam.
• Dragon Cam.
• X-Cam, with ANGEL and ORION chipsets.
• GigaCAM with Smit chipsets.

Supported SmartCard

• DreamBox 56xx and 7000 series boot repairing function.
• Sidsa embedded chip Set-Top-Boxes programming.
• Cam Explorer.
• Various Utilities.
Sim Editor.

This looks like everything I need combined in one unit

If I understand this, I stick this unit to pc, and diablo is used to read smart cards?

Can this alao be used to read regular smart card with PCSC?

I also found this:

But this is a bit expensive and it leans more towards glitching


Senior Member
CAS 3 is all you need - it's a CI + smart card reader / programmer.
Firstly do some research of what it can do, what smart cards do, what are security levels of encription and so on...
Go slowly with an old examples and old encriptions.


Senior Member
This is some exercize 10 years old :)

"How to Update smart cards Viaccess, Conax, Irdeto, Seca, Nagra, CryptoWorks etc by The Last Drakkar

There are two very simple ways to update permissions on your card.

1.First way to send permissions to the card is by the file:
-run the program
-click "Connect"
-go to the "BinToTxt" (1)
-click "Open dirty Bin File" (2) or "Load Cleared Data" (2) , according to the form in which we have written EMM'y and select the file
program will inform you - correct file is loaded
-in the "Select query type" (3) select 'Card (Serial,SA)'
-click "Find and Show / Show All" (4)

2.Second way to send permissions to the card is by the logger:
-run the program
-click "Connect"
-go to the "Logger" (1)
-in the "Telnet Connection Settings" (2) enter the relevant data
in the "Host" enter the IP of our receiver, the rest of the settings change if we have custom
-click "Get PIDs" (3) and select the PID to which the provider sends permissions to our card
-in the "Export results to" select 'Card (Serial,SA)'
-click "Start" (4)

In both cases, the program will automatically read the card Serial and PPUA/CHID and will send the appropriate EMM's

The "Custom Card Filter" option is to read filters (serial / PPUA / CHID) from the card and to manually add your own filters
The "Check Change" is used to check what has changed on the card after sending the instructions
-In the "BinToTxt" program checks after every instruction
-In the "Logger" program checks after user choose how much instruction"



Some official reading material
Cas Interface 3 Plus is just a glorified PCMCIA to USB interface (I guess I can stick any PCMCIA wifi or gsm or dvb-t/s/c card in it, just like I was able to do ilback in the day on a laptop with PCMCIA slot) + Season Interface, not sure if I can also use it to sniff smart card comunication between real card and receiver

Its the Diablo CAM 2 that is important

I didnt find anywhere if Diablo supports PCSC or Serial or both (it can be reprogrammed so probably does?) (I mean it does have a sim card slot, so it might)

If it supports PSCS that would be great, because I can just stick my Gemalto health card in to read data off it


Senior Member
Hello there, I was wondering if anyone knows any good smartcard reader/programmer

Something that (preferebly) I could replace its firmware (not needed so much if not required)

Something that I could use to read/programm SIM cards and SAT cards and also program Funcards or Goldwafer cards with

I am not realy sure how this works, but my HP Elitebook also has a smartcard reader, can I use it to extraxt ViaAcsess key from my legal RTV Slovenija SAT card?

Sorry for souch a dumb question, hope someone knows the anwser
On your initial question I gave you an answer. Now you are involving CI (common interface) Diablo - Diablo has nothing to do with your initial question!
Goldwaffer and Funcard or tel operator SIM cards are programmable via "phoenix programmer" .


On your initial question I gave you an answer. Now you are involving CI (common interface) Diablo - Diablo has nothing to do with your initial question!
Goldwaffer and Funcard or tel operator SIM cards are programmable via "phoenix programmer" .
Aha, now I get it
At first I thought that Cas Interface 3 Plus is just CI programmer + season interface (didnt find a lot of pictures online and didnt see it has a smart card slot (but I do need an adapter it seams to put SIM card into it)

And that you need a CI card like Diablo to actualy program and use your SIM/Smart card (and because Diablo had a sim card as well as smart card slot, and is pictured on the box, I thought I also need it)

If I understand you corecly you dont need Diablo, but if you have one you can also program and use it with Cas Interface 3 Plus


Senior Member
Bravo, and not just Diabo, also Magic module, Matrix CAM, Jocker CAM... and a bunch of cards.


Bravo, and not just Diabo, also Magic module, Matrix CAM, Jocker CAM... and a bunch of cards.
Nice, there is a lot of CI modules it seams, some are programable like Diablo, other are locked to ViaAcsess/Conax, etc)

Now can I use all this as a standard PSCS/card reader so I could attach it to a dreambox or pc to watch tv with legitimate card? Or do I still need

Likr the little USB one (Smargo Smartreader+) I linked in my post?


Senior Member
Euro CAM-s are also programmble, but only on external flash programmer.
Don't mix card reader like Smargo or PSCS - phoenix programmer. They are card readers!
Only Phoenix programmer (via RS232) can be reader and a programmer.
Every Dreambox has an internal card reader so you only need Oscam with propper config files to reed your card.


Euro CAM-s are also programmble, but only on external flash programmer.
Don't mix card reader like Smargo or PSCS - phoenix programmer. They are card readers!
Only Phoenix programmer (via RS232) can be reader and a programmer.
Every Dreambox has an internal card reader so you only need Oscam with propper config files to reed your card.
Ah I see

So if I buy Dualabs CAS3+ I get Phoenix programmer, CI Programmer (and reader), Season interface as well as PCSC/RS232 (it has USB, so I guess it can eather emulate COM port or with a different VID&PID also PCSC reader right?) reader

so then I don't need Smargo or any other USB sized Smart card reader (that internet is full of) for other smart card activirties (souch as reading/writing SIM cards, reading/writing health cards, etc

Sorry for souch a lot of questions but I am realy confused
on one hand internet is full of this card readers that look exacly the same, but nobody tells you what each one does

Fortionatly I learned here:
that there are Serial and PCSC card readers (Serial nowadays emulates a com port, while PCSC has different VID/PID and speaks different protocol) and that PCSC readers are always better

BTW: I know Dreambox has internal reader, I just put it here as device that runs linux and everyone knows about
Ultimatly I would like to use my legit SAT cards with this device:

that also runs linux but has no internal reader, or my PC for instance or my Samsung Smart TV (which has a CI slot)

So thats why I like to find as universal device as possible (and also why would you cluter your house with 3 devices if one can do everything you need :), you reduce your junk you have so you don't need to throw a lot away if you have space )


Senior Member
You want to have a sat reception, and decode it via sat finder device + card reader for SLO tv.
Don't write stupid things please.


You want to have a sat reception, and decode it via sat finder device + card reader for SLO tv.
Don't write stupid things please.
Why is this stupid?
The finder runs linux, the finder supports encryption (Card sharing server, and you can also manualy enter keys into the finder, look:

This might seam like a finder, but its more like a portable SAT receiver, look:

I can receveive satelite where our national program broadcasts on, read here:
How to aquire a card here in Slovenija

They use ViaAcsess, and as a Slovenian citizen, I am entitled to the decoding card, I just tell them why I need it, pay 20€ for someone to install whatever software this runs, and I can watch slovenian programs where I have SAT signal

This doesn't mean I will do this in Slovenia

Now I wish I would not tell you why I need this wierd setup, because you will just label it as stupid and pointless

Lets just forget why I need this and start from the beginning (will try to make my questions as general as I can so people will not ran away and I might get the anwsers I need)

I understand smart cards that way

Lets have an example on Funcard7 (because I know whats inside of it)
Layer1: Smart card (piece of plastic with a μC inside Atmel 8515 in this case as well as 2 x 24LC1024 Eeprom for data storage I presume

Layer2: Program written for Atmel 8515 it can blink a LED (if you hook a led to the card pins) or what it usualy does is eather run Java (incase of a SIM card) or some properority program that eather stores your bank certificate or in this case manages ViaAcsess, or Nagravision, or Videocrypt, or whatever encryption method people invented)

Layer3: Phone (incase of SIM card) or TV (incase of SAT) or PCSC Card reader
Layer4: User program usualy runs on a phone or on a computer and can comunicate with card reader (like Layer3 specifies

Layer3 comunicates with Layer2 using APDU commands

OK so, PCSC readers (or serial readers, but PCSC are better because with them you can use industry standard smart card programs like your bank card program, your health card program or your windows (to use your smart card to login to windows, etc)

PCSC readers can comunicate only with Layer3 (you can not program your card with Layer3, because usualy program cannot rewrite itself (only if you cause buffer overflow, or glitch the card and somehow manage to implant your own code that rewrites it (some guy did just that to dump a card)

So my question is: Can Dualabs CAS3+ comunicate with Layer2 and 3 or only with Layer2? and Can it do that with PCSC standard or only Serial (Virtual Serial port)

I hope its more clear now, I know its wierd and stupid, thats why I ask this here in hopes of some smart people filling the holes I have in my head, because google cannot help me here
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Senior Member
With Wincrypt or The Last Drakkar you can do everything to the card if you know how.

Z Wincrypt ali The Last Drakkar lahko storite vse s kartico, če veste kako.