

Senior Member
StreamRelay for DreamOS - new plugin on the Nobody feed

What can StreamRelay do?
1. auto convert
this means that you can add the normal channels to your bouquets, StreamRelay converts the corresponding channels in the background, all you have to do is switch "Auto Convert" to icamref list in the StreamRelay settings.

2. add to bouquet (ICAM)
This allows users to create their own bouquets with ICAM transmitters
Select transmitter - Menu button - Add to bouquet (ICAM) -> the transmitter is copied to the selected bouquet with the corresponding extensions. A name extension for these transmitters can be defined or deleted in the StreamRelay settings, default = (ICAM)

This Plugin supported only in Boxpirates Board or Nobody Feed. The Autor I don't want it to be distributed outside of the feed,
The plugin is loaded from the feed section.
