E2 LOADEPG ver. 0.5


Super VIP
06-Jan-2009 ver. 0.50 beta
Jump from 0.46 to 0.50

- BSKYBSAT : for United Kingdom BSKYB, download epg data from 
  satellite transponder (decoding OpenTV data)
- FLASHZA : for SouthAfrica MCK, download epg data from flash.za.org 
  website (internet connection required)
- OZTIVO : for Australia FOXTEL, download epg data from oztivo.net 
  website (internet connection required)
- RADIOTIMES : (former BSKYB) for United Kingdom BSKYB, download 
  epg data from radiotimes.com website (internet connection required)
- RAISAT : (NOT WORKING ANYMORE) for Italy RAI4, download epg 
  from raisat.it website (internet connection required)
- SKYITALIASAT : for Italy SKYITALIA, download epg from satellite 
  transponder (decoding OpenTV data)
- SKYITALIAWEB : (former SKYITALIA) for Italy SKYITALIA, download 
  epg from sky.it website (internet connection required)
- TVSAJTEN : for Sweden/nordic TELENOR, download epg data from
  tvsajten.com website (internet connection required)

Why ? Because I've rewritten E2_LOADEPG for handling UTF-8 data.
You can think the version 0.50 as a new development branch focused 
on internationalization. This was mandatory for handling foreign characters
 outside ASCII charset.

1) All configuration files (*.conf and *-channel_list.conf) now are expected 
   to be encoded with UTF-8 charset (ASCII is fine: is an UTF-8 subset)
2) cache files (in cache/ directory) now are encoded in UTF-8 and no more
   in pure ASCII. I've rewritten all download modules (skyitaliaweb, 
   skyitaliasat, raisat, radiotimes ...) for handling the new charset: these 
   modules now write cache files in UTF-8
3) e2_loadepg.log now is encoded in UTF-8 , log to video is in pure ASCII 
   for safety reason (character >127 are replaced with '?')
4) EPG.DAT file is NOT in Unicode. It seems to be encoded in ISO-8859-1 
   or other monobyte charset. Now there is a new option in e2_loadepg.conf
   for handling correct charset: EPG_CHARSET (default to 'iso-8859-1'). 
   Now E2_LOADEPG read cache files (encoded in UTF-8) and re-encode 
  data with EPG_CHARSET charset and write epg.dat file.
5) module "skyitalia" (download SkyItalia EPG using web) is renamed 
  to "skyitaliaweb"
6a) "skyitaliasat" module now recovers events only once. If event is 
   recovered more than once, it's trashed. This reduce wrong events.
6b) "skyitaliasat.bin" updated to ver. 0.18 (minimized "Buffer Overflow" bug) 
   and provided SH4 CPU version (see Examples/ dir. , thanks to Genge). 
   Slower but safest.
7) module "bskyb" (download SKY-UK EPG using web) is renamed to "radiotimes"
8) added new download module "tvsajten" for Sweden/nordic channels 
  (internet connection required)
9a) added new download module "bskybsat" + "bskybsat.bin rel. 0.11" 
  for BSkyB (receive and decode OpenTV data from satellite transponder).   
  Support for HDTV channels is ok (thanks to microch).
9b) provided "bskybsat.bin" SH4 CPU version (see Examples/ dir. , 
  thanks to Genge)
10) in dl_modules/ added the program "sort-channel_list.py". It sort 
   alphabetically *-channel_list.conf file . It can be useful for finding 
  duplicated channel (channel with the same name) or if you like to have 
  a channel list sorted alphabetically. Simply run it with ./sort-channel_list.py
  without any option : you get the help screen.
11) In Examples/ you can find the C source code of skyitaliasat.bin and 
  bskybsat.bin to comply original Lukkino OpenTV code license (GPL)