doscam 0.20 and local card



Few days ago I started to use doscam 0.20 in my dm800 with UPC card. Previously I used oscam r9759. With doscam sometimes works everything fine, but in most cases when I watch UPC channels it doesn't open from my local card with less than 200 ms ECM time, but from proxy reader with hop2 or hop 3 and with 1-3 s ECM time. I tried almost everything but cannot found the solution. If it's working good thats means that first try to read from proxy reader too, but after few seconds changes to my local. Here is my configs:


disablelog = 1
logfile = stdout;/tmp/doscam.log

enabled = 1
numusers = 2
penalty = 1
aclogfile = /var/volatile/log/aclog

port = 14500
nodeid = ********
version = 2.1.3
reshare = 1

user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox


httpport = 8081
httpuser = ******
httppwd = ******
httprefresh = 30
httpallowed =

label = UPC
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
boxkey = ****************
rsakey = ****************
detect = cd
mhz = 2700
cardmhz = -1
group = 1

label = *******
protocol = cccam
device = *******
user = *******
password = *******
inactivitytimeout = 30
group = 2
ccckeepalive = 1


user = dvbapiau
au = UPC
group = 1,2,3,4


caid = 0D97
provid =
srvid =

caid = 0D02
provid =
srvid =

caid = 09CD
provid =
srvid =

caid = 0B02
provid =
srvid =

caid = 0963
provid =
srvid =


P: 0963
I: 0961
I: 0960
P: 0500:043800
P: 0500:042200
P: 09cd
P: 0d97

So I tried to ignore upc1 service in user settings, tried to set up prefer local card, tried to set up minimize cards to smallest hop, to set up loadbalane with lb_weight 500 to local card, tried to delete doscam.service file.......
With oscam this problem doesn't exist.
Anybody has any idea what is worng?

PS: Boxkey and RSA key is filled automatically


So how it should looks like in case of caid 0d97? I have 18 entitlements for this card. I need all separetelly in But I think without ignoring services from reader should be read from local...