DM600PVR and analog modem.


Hi all! I own this little STB (GP v4.40) and I want to use the analog modem to connect to the Internet, using the well known RJ-11 cable. Unfortunately, I can't have an ADSL connection here.

The problem is that I can't see any relative setting in Gemini's menu. Why is that? Someone told me that the modem line is actually deactivated by Gemini Project, because nobody cares for it. Is that true? I can't believe it!

There are cases where is essential. Here I have an ISDN telephone line and I would like the idea of connecting my box to the Internet, while the second phone line would be still available for calls. Also, I don't like the idea of Internet Connection Sharing, because it requires an open and working PC. I prefer the independent Internet access for my little diamond.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Good morning. I found something interesting. There is a plug-in which works perfectly with analog modem, at least in original DMM image. I am trying to make it work in Gemini too. It is called "Enigma-modem" and for DM600PVR you can download it from here:

Enigma-modem v0.2
Enigma-modem v0.3

Various alternative images don't have it installed by default, but this doesn't mean that we cannot install it. We can possibly find it in the addons of every image or like I said download it from the online update server of Dreambox.

The file is in ipk format. We copy it in /tmp directory and we install it via telnet with the command "ipkg install /tmp/filename.ipk" or we can install it with the program "Dream Control Center". Let's hope that the image we have installed has not removed something else so that the plug-in can't function.


Good morning guys! I have made some progress in analog modem issue due to important help I have received from a greek forum. Well, first things first. I have downloaded and installed (via telnet) the "Enigma-modem" plug-in in the .ipk format. I had Gemini 4.40 installed in my box and indeed the "Modem Internet" entry appeared in the plug-ins list of Blue Panel. I set the username, password and dial number and pressed the green button ("Connect"). The connection was trying to start but immediately was being interrupted (in less than a second). Probably, something was missing.

There is a file in /usr/lib/ipkg named status. Inside this file there is information about the installed packages in your image. Gemini team has removed (or not include) some packages necessary for analog modem function. We have to add ppp support in kernel configuration. The solution is to install one-by-one the following packages with that specific order (due to dependencies):

1. kernel-module-crc-ccitt_2.6.12-r4
2. kernel-module-slhc_2.6.12-r4
3. kernel-module-ppp-generic_2.6.12-r4
4. kernel-module-ppp-async_2.6.12-r4

Install the same way: Upload the files in /tmp directory, connect via telnet and then use the "ipkg install /tmp/filename.ipk" command. After that, do a restart in your box and then install the "Enigma-modem" plug-in. If you want, verify that the packages are correctly installed by looking in the /usr/lib/ipkg/status file or by using the "ipkg list_installed" command. Go to Blue Panel-->"Modem Internet" and fill-in the username, password and dial number of your internet connection, then try to connect (green button). You should see "Dialing...". Try and give us your valuable feedback.


Finally, the integrated analog modem doesn't work! I have tried with many different images, original from DMM included. Nabilo Darkstar has already installed the "Modem Internet" plug-in. The reaction is always the same. I fill in the connection details (username, password and phone number), I press the green button to connect, the plug-in says "Connecting...", but no real connection attempt. I have tried with many different phone cables. Other users of DM600S have verified that weird behavior. I have asked for help from DMM, but I got no reply in my ticket. Obviously, the modem is there only for marketing reasons.

For covering my personal needs, I bought an ISDN router with an integrated 4-port switch and I have connected the DM600S through ethernet port. Now I can have the box online without having to use an open PC as a gateway.