Diablo WIFI 2.6 defective?


Senior Member
I bought a new Diablo Wifi v2.6 with 1.88 firmware, working with official conax card.
I reflashed it with Underworld 2.28, uploaded files and connected to fausto. Everything works great, for about a week. A day i turned my Vantage 8000s, on, the cam did not decode anything and it could not find my wifi network. I tried to format and reflash UW 2.28, but same error. I tried a backup of 1.88 org. fw, but after an aparent sucessfull restore the cam still shows Underworld 2.28 when inserted. When flashing org. fw 1.86(.dup) i get a "run-time error '9' subscript out of range" and cas studio crashes.

The cam config has been set to the recomended by empb included in the key pack.
Using windows 8.1 x64 with cas interface 3 and studio 9.8.2, same error on another win 8.1 pc, also after reinstall cas studio.