Diablo 2.2>D2 upgrade issue


Senior Member
I have a Diablo Light 2.2 and trying to upgrade it to a Diablo 2, but i am not able to.
When i should get the "server is active", i instead get "server is active. you must use cas studio 9.1.0 or higher. I can continue, but after reading cam i get "update terminated with an error" without any further info.....

Followed this guide: http://www.duolabs.com/diabloupdate/help.php
Using a Cas Interface 3(Not +) & Cas Studio 9.4.0 & 9.5.0 on several XP and WIN7 machines.

I have tried the duolabs forum, emailed them, but i get no reply what so ever.
Hope someone can help


hi dkdexter i upgraded my diablo 2.2 18months ago, they said it was only goin to be on offer for six months and after that you have to buy the diablo2,its a waste of time trying to contact them as they NEVER answer back,when i upgraded i used cas interface 3+,im still useing the diablo2 but not a lot open,they,ll take your money no problem but with aftercare no chance,they,ve lost a lot of people because of there attitude,i used to give them 8/10 but not anymore,would,nt give them 1/10,MONEY-MAKERS thats all they are ,theres better cams out today and some have got n#s encryption on them, google is your best friend,then check out fleabay good luck


Well Known Member
use cas 9.2.0, on the pc date back to April 2011
now it should work
best regards