cubeface-prime-s.relook.3.1.2.pal.r3585 neumoteam

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Staff member
Instructions for beta testers
Report your bugs on the trac system at if possible.
Always check first if the problem or a similar one has been reported.
If there is a related bug ticket, then add yourn report to it.
On the other hand, if the bug is different, create a new ticket.

When reporting a bug it is essential that you include the following
-the program version from the system info screen be sure to include
 the full version string.
-a good description of the problem, including how to reproduce it 
 (when possible). 
-the output of the serial console. If you don't have a serial console,
 then you can log the messages to a file in /var/media/log/. This can be 
 started by creating the file /var/.savelog using the command
   touch /var/.savelog 
 The log file is named according to the time when relook was started. 
 A reboot is needed before the log file will be created.

-a core dump if available (see further)

To help us track down problems:
-try to use a serial console and observe the messages on it
-install the debugging version of /usr/bin/relook. This version
 can be downloaded from
 and will be named something like "relook.debug.r2513"
 Rename this file to /var/media/bin/relook and restart relook.
 Beware that this version will be used even if you install a 
 new image later, so be sure to remove it when no longer needed.
-activate core dumps (only useful with the debug version of relook)
 by using the command
   touch /var/.dumpcore
 and then rebooting.
 Each time relook crashes, it will leave core files in /var/media/log.
 After the crash, log in and copy the most recent core file(s). Put
 them in zip or tar.gz archive and attach them to the ticket. Core 
 files are very useful, because they allow us to find out which code
 relook was executing while it crashed.

What's new:

  • Channel name sometimes updated erroneously
  • Allow sdt scanning to proceed when tdt is not present'
  • epg code hangs when processing an oversized event name.

Thanks neumoteam
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