Gracias a EDK & Co
Edit added
Port.list for nagra3 & seca
Gracias a Deckard
server_only=0 # 0=emu+newcamd server 1=only newcamd server
log=0 # 1=no log 1=log to /tmp/sbox.log //ALWAYS USE 0//
userspath=/var/bin/users.sbox # users list
webinterface=0 # 1=web interface on 0=web interface off
webport=81 # web interface port
active=1 # 0=inactive 1=active
sci=/dev/sci0 # lower
ncdserver=0 # 0=newcamd server off 1=newcamd server on
deskey=0102030405060708091011121314 # newcamd deskey
port=15050 # newcamd port
mhz=0 # Mhz for card in this reader, ONLY WORKS ON INTERNAL CARDREADER. Example: mhz=357, mhz=368
#Nagra2/3 Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra2 camid (4 bytes)
rsa= # rsa "n" from this card (like newcs)
boxkey= # boxkey from this card
emm=0 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath=/var/****/port.list # path from port.list
#Nagra tiger/ncmed Example
[CCCCCCCC] # nagra camid (4 bytes)
emm=2 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
#Seca Example
[CCCCCCCC] # seca camid (4 bytes)
ok_view=0 # if ok_view=1 sbox simulates the "ok view this season" on seca smartcards
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
#Viaccess Example
[CCCCCCCC] # via camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
#Irdeto Example
[CCCCCCCC] # irdeto camid (4 bytes)
camkey=0000000000000000 # CamKEY
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
#*** Example
[CCCCCCCC] # *** camid (4 bytes)
emm=7 # 0=accept all 1=block emms 2=block emmu 4=block emmg
portlist=0 # use portlist or no
portlistpath= # path from port.list
# How to ADD RSA for TIGER/NCMED cards
# If your card is a ROM TIGER547 Rev124 (for example)
# [TIGER547] <- this is the rom version from your card
# rsa=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# ONLY THIS, for config bloquer, portlist, etc, look at the examples above!
#Example configuration newcamd client
#Example configuration file for sbox cardclient server
# [slot0] # slot to connect
# user=edk # user
# pass=edk # password
# au=1 # au on/off
# [slot1] # slot to connect
# user=edk2 # user
# pass=edk2 # password
# au=0 # au on/off
SA: { 0001 } # Channel1
SA: { 0002 } # Channel2
SA: { 0003 } # Channel3
SA: { 0004 } # Channel4
Gracias a EDK & Co
Edit added
Port.list for nagra3 & seca
Gracias a Deckard