• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

  • Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


Clone VU+Duo Ferrari Images


Well Known Member
Vu+ Duo : openATV 4.1 Ferrari V2a/V3a


Major updates are in the build environment of openATV 4.1 we moved to the new open Alliance Build 2.2

* Bitbake 1.23.1
* OE-Core May 2014
* Speed Up build up to 40%
* over 500 Updates in Linux Tools
* first-ever use of a mysql DB for the build
* Improve the quality of the build and better error monitoring
* Automatic detection of updates in the source and automatic rebuild of the dependencies in the build tree
and much more !

This image is a 100% build from OpenATV source code.
You can safely use the online update function, I tricked the driver date 100 years in the future so the present (and working) drivers are not overwritten during update.
I added the secret-feed (softcams) and changed the default language to US. It's a 100% clean image !

Please note: The image is still under development, so don't expect everything to work.

I recommend to do no online updates at the moment

skin: MetrixHD

klick V2a
klick V3a


Well Known Member
VU+ Duo : VIX Apollo.003 VU+ Ferrari V2a

OpenViX Apollo requires a full reflash, you can still use a settings backup taken from OpenViX Zeus or OpenViX Helios (but not from OpenViX 3.0 or earlier).

There have been some changes in AutoBouquetsMaker, you may need to set your providers again.


So what is different in OpenViX Apollo then?

As with OpenViX Zeus the main difference is core of the image or the OE (Open Embedded), this has undergone a lot of changes, updates and fixes (including fixes for the heartbleed bug in openssl). As a user you should not notice any differences between OpenViX Helios and OpenViX Apollo. (i.e. there are no real functional differences.)

OpenViX Helios build 017 will be the final build in the Helios series, and so Apollo takes over the reins.

But why a new image so soon, you just launched Helios?

Basically the recent update of the image OE (Open Embedded) to v 2.2, was very significant. This contains substantial changes and updates that mean you cannot use the online update feature from OpenViX Zeus build 023. Rather than asking users not to use the online update function, we have taken the step of changing the image name to ensure that users perform a fresh flash.


ViX Softcams
ViX compatible softcams can now be installed using the plugin feeds.
Users will still need to provide their own softcam configuration files. Support will only be provided for users with a legitimate viewing card and valid subscription.

Added DVB-T (terrestrial) and DVB-C (cable) scanning capabilities.

Various new bootlogos have been added and are available to install via the plugin feeds.

Quick PiP-ZAP
Support added to open PiP directly via long-Up/Down. Also zapping in PiP can be done via long CH+/-.

VIX EPG (includes CrossEPG 0.8.1)
Quite simply, OpenViX offers the best EPG experience of any Enigma2 based image bar none !!
Includes Graphical EPG, Text mode, Infobar EPG and Bouquet list graphical EPG modes

Video Playback
All EPG screens are now available while watching a recording, for easy switching back to live TV or setting timers.

Channel Selection
Support added to change font sizes and number of rows.
Support added to have a 3rd event showing (Skin dependent)
Support added to display start time and end time for all events shown.

EPG Selection
Added help screen to all epg selection screens.
Added support to change font sizes and number of rows.

Language Selection
Added English (UK) to available languages.

Added support for English (UK).

You may now sort Menus, Settings and Plugin Browsers alphabetically.

Network Browser
Uses less memory duringscan.
Moved to new Setup Mounts screen.

About Screen
Added network info.

As part of streamlining the image, removed NFS, AFP, Samba, OpenVPN, Inadyn, MiniDLNA & uShare from default image (can now be installed/de-installed through Network setup screen).

On Screen Hints
Now available as options are selected.

Instant Record
From channel list, EPG or current channel.

Enhanced Movie List Features
It is now optional to play next movie, when a movie reaches the end. Configure in menu of movie selection screen.

Known issues
•Crossepg bug when running XEPGDB and XMLTV within CrossEPG. The software will not successfully download data from these sources due to incompatibility of CrossEPG and newer libraries within OE2.

Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red ** & *** - Sort single EPG info when in channel list.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - Instant IMDB Database search on the current programme.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long Up/Down - Open PIP list on boxes that support PIP.
TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

Special Thanks

•Rytec - for his continued support.
•Ocram for his Picon sets
•All developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
•All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image working.
•Rob van der Does, Belierzz, Rimas, Henkka, Huevos, Raivo, Eesatfan, Zartmy, Trial, Stig-O & June8 for their translation work
•Huevos for his work on blindscan.
•Gennart1 for dvb-as102 support
•Markus625 for skin ViXBMC
•Scwheeler for his work on the MetrixHD skin mods
•Rob van der Does for his skins, Magic Hd and Light

•Delagroov for his skins Magic Hd Night/Noire
•AbuBaniaz for his many contributions to the Image
•Peter de Jonge. For his work with Andy Blac, to add DVB-C and DVB-T support to ABM.
•rossi2000 and simonsez for their skin's Blue-HD and Red-HD.

OpenSSL Heartbleed bug fixes have been applied
Not all 3rd party plugins have been tested or are guaranteed to be compatible.

If anyone is interested in doing any translation work for the plugins and the image itself, please contact either Andyblac or Sicilian



Well Known Member
PB Vu Duo (@AWA Uno) Ferrari 2014 Oct 28 VX-4.2

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions

Was gibt es Neues in dieser Version 2014 Oct 28 VX-4.2

Initial release of PB VX 4.2
Status: Experimental

Download Image


Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo) Ferrari 2014 December 10 VX-4.2

Updated: 10.12.2014

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions
- ...

Note: Sometimes it is necessary to do a complete reflash (either from Flash-Online or locally from USB stick) due to extensive changes in the image.
Was gibt es Neues in dieser Version 2014 December 10 VX-4.2

- Skin One Key Blue updated
- Skin One Key for PB4x in feeds
- PB Device Manager enhancements (bad disk, other fmt)
- E2 code fixes
- new drivers added
- PBcenter ext4 format
- special case for USB sticks
- Sowa's new PB Russian translations
- EPG fixes for 16E MaxTv
- xxPrint skins update for online flash
- feeds update
- PBcenter improvements
- E2 code
- Expanded Russian translations (thanks to Sowa, again)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- On-line flash enabled
- Image backup/restore enabled
- Added Russian to PBcenter (thanks to Sowa)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- Feeds extended and changed structure
- E2 code updated
- OneKeyBlue skin updated
- Misc changes
- PBcenter update notifications
- PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD: small fix visible in overscan
- Add PB Picon Path to PB center
- updated feeds
-Initial release of PB VX 4.2
-Status: Experimental




Well Known Member
PB Vu-Duo (@AWA Uno) Ferrari 2015 Januar 17 VX-4.2

Updated: 17.1.2015

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions
- ...
Note: Sometimes it is necessary to do a complete reflash (either from Flash-Online or locally from USB stick) due to extensive changes in the image.

Was gibt es Neues in dieser Version 2015 Januar 17 VX-4.2

- E2 code
- feeds
- New PB plugin RadioTunes
- RU stuff in PBcenter by Sowa
- 21 changes in E2 code
- Web interface fix
- feeds update
- PBmcHD skin 3.9.1
- Expert installer fix
- MediaPlayer back in feeds for m3u IPTV lists
- Triple choice for PB Center icons (under skins)
- Bootlogos refresh (under skins)
- improvements in restore backup
- fixed issues with NFS daemon
- visual enh.
- Skin One Key Blue updated
- Skin One Key for PB4x in feeds
- PB Device Manager enhancements (bad disk, other fmt)
- E2 code fixes
- new drivers added
- PBcenter ext4 format
- special case for USB sticks
- Sowa's new PB Russian translations
- EPG fixes for 16E MaxTv
- xxPrint skins update for online flash
- feeds update
- PBcenter improvements
- E2 code
- Expanded Russian translations (thanks to Sowa, again)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- On-line flash enabled
- Image backup/restore enabled
- Added Russian to PBcenter (thanks to Sowa)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- Feeds extended and changed structure
- E2 code updated
- OneKeyBlue skin updated
- Misc changes
- PBcenter update notifications
- PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD: small fix visible in overscan
- Add PB Picon Path to PB center
- updated feeds
-initial release of PB VX 4.2



Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo) Ferrari 2015 März 9 VX-4.2

Updated: 9.3.2015

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions
- ...

Note: Sometimes it is necessary to do a complete reflash (either from Flash-Online or locally from USB stick) due to extensive changes in the image.

Was gibt es Neues in dieser Version 2015 März 9 VX-4.2

- E2 code
- E2 code
- misc changes
- E2 DVB core code
- misc changes
- E2 code
- feeds
- New PB plugin RadioTunes
- RU stuff in PBcenter by Sowa
- 21 changes in E2 code
- Web interface fix
- feeds update
- PBmcHD skin 3.9.1
- Expert installer fix
- MediaPlayer back in feeds for m3u IPTV lists
- Triple choice for PB Center icons (under skins)
- Bootlogos refresh (under skins)
- improvements in restore backup
- fixed issues with NFS daemon
- visual enh.
- Skin One Key Blue updated
- Skin One Key for PB4x in feeds
- PB Device Manager enhancements (bad disk, other fmt)
- E2 code fixes
- new drivers added
- PBcenter ext4 format
- special case for USB sticks
- Sowa's new PB Russian translations
- EPG fixes for 16E MaxTv
- xxPrint skins update for online flash
- feeds update
- PBcenter improvements
- E2 code
- Expanded Russian translations (thanks to Sowa, again)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- On-line flash enabled
- Image backup/restore enabled
- Added Russian to PBcenter (thanks to Sowa)
- E2 code updated
- feeds refreshed
- Feeds extended and changed structure
- E2 code updated
- OneKeyBlue skin updated
- Misc changes
- PBcenter update notifications
- PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD: small fix visible in overscan
- Add PB Picon Path to PB center
- updated feeds
-Initial release of PB VX 4.2
-Status: Experimental



Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo) Ferrari 2015 April 24 VX-5.0

Updated: 22.4.2015

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions
- ...

Note: Sometimes it is necessary to do a complete reflash (either from Flash-Online or locally from USB stick) due to extensive changes in the image.

What's New in Version 2015 April 24 VX-5.0

- new version
- skin changed
- internal code revamped
- gstremaer improvements
- E2 code
- E2 code
- misc changes
- E2 DVB core code
- misc changes

Mediafire download


Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo) Ferrari 2015 Mai 19 VX-5.0

Updated: 19.5.2015

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions
- ...

Note: Sometimes it is necessary to do a complete reflash (either from Flash-Online or locally from USB stick) due to extensive changes in the image.


thx PB


Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo) Ferrari 2015 Mai 19 VX-5.0
new Updated: 3.6.2015

- Latest E2 code
- New PbmcHD skin
- PB optimized skins: PbPrintHD, MintPrintHD, BluePrintHD, OneKeyBlue
- Extended RC functions

thx PB



Well Known Member
Vu Duo (@AWA Duo Ferrari -v2x and v3x 2016 Jan 7 - VX-5.1

Initial release v 5.1
gst 1.6

- v2 release



Well Known Member
VU+ Duo V2 and V3 images by Ferrari,

V2 :

V3 :



Well Known Member
Upgrade your FERRARI CLONE box with VU J Board or Chip to run safely and use Original images

VU+ Solo Ferrari

VU+ Duo Ferrari