[B]Cardservproxy changelog:[/B]
- Added: New attribute per profile 'network-id' (the original dvb network
id, 4 hex digits). This will uniquely identify profiles between proxies,
instead of ca-id. It will also be used in filtering enigma services files.
See proxy-reference.html for info about how to find the id if you don't
know your dvb-network.
- Added: Optional mapping table to auto-assign newcamd connectors to
profiles based on ca-id, to make this work as before even when multiple
profiles use the same ca-id (no longer any need to set 0000, use the
correct id always). Use this only when it is unknown which card a remote
newcamd server contains (or when this changes randomly).
- Added: ClusteredCache now avoids locking for requests where a remotely
received cache lock has the same ip as requesting client, to deal with
situations where both connectors and cache sharing are used to link
multiple proxies together (prevents incoming ecm requests from a remote
proxy being blocked by the cache lock from that same proxy).
- Added: Plugins can now affect connector selection, if they implement the
interface CwsSelector. They'll be given a chance to exclude connectors
from the selection process for each message.
- Added: Cache hits where the cached request had a different ca-id will now
be blocked, to avoid misleading clients that are sending requests to the
wrong profile. This can be disabled using new global setting <block-
- Added: Disconnected connectors now show when they went offline.
- Added: Newcamd OSD messages are now sent to Acamd as well (previously
only to Mgcamd).
- Added: More user events in the remote api (login, logout, login failure).
Plugins can use these as well.
- Changed: ClusteredCache now uses a much more compact format to
reduce bandwidth (not compatible with old versions).
- Fixed: ClusteredCache bandwidth usage estimates are now properly
calculated even with multiple peers and sync-period.
- Fixed: Minor browser-specific issues with the status web layouts (clear
the browser cache or force a reload).
[B]- Changes to proxy.xml:[/B]
Added: Attribute 'network-id' to <profile> (4 hex digits, i.e "a027"). Set this
to the original dvb network id.
Added: Element <block-caid-mismatch> (true/false, default: true) to section
Added: Element <caid-profile-map> to <newcamd-connector>
(caid=profilename, entries separated by space). This element
is mandatory if no profile attribute is set for the connector.
For example: <caid-profile-map>0b00=cable 0500=terrestrial</caid-profile-map)
[B]- Changes to the http/xml api:[/B]
Added: Attribute 'disconnected' to <connector> (cws-connectors output).
The time of last disconnect (if disconnected).
Added: Attribute 'network-id' to <profile> (ca-profiles output).