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Well Known Member

This Proggi evaluates the log of a camd3 of server.

A condition:

Net Framework 2.0

- UDP haven adjustable
- do not have to be the file canal.xml, provider.xml and camd3log.txt in the same file as the Camd3ServerMonitor application, sons funtzt the Progi not, the UDP haven 514 may also not by another program occupied be otherwise gehts also.

- under Active users are indicated those to user
++++Logt itself a user 2 times on the server of 2 differently IP´s, we the first user
green and second red indicated
- under PlainLOG one sees the log of the server
- under Channel Edit all channels (kana eyelid) those the Client accesses written (name
the channel can be edited, and with be closed the program in canal.xml stored)
*Save Button added
- under Provider Edit all Provider (Provider ID) those the Client accesses written (name of the Providers can be edited, and with be closed the program in provider.xml stored)
*Save Button added
- in camd3log.txt the entire log is constantly stored
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