so here we go:
As usual - if you chose to do it - do it at your own risk
what's needed:
1) a storage device
2) Telnet & FTP client's
3) nfidump
1) boot your dreambox and connect via telnet
2) check if storage is mounted and umount it (USB, MC, HDD)
a) print mount table: mount
b) umount storage (anuthing pointing to your device /dev/sda* /dev/sdb* /dev/disk/...*):
umount /mnt/HDD /mnt/usb ...
3) create Linux partition via telnet:
a) fdisk /dev/sda
b) print ( p ) partition table and clear it ( d )
c) create partitions (as many as you like) 1 needs to be LINUX EXT3 or 4 (this post is based on 2 partition example)
d) write config ( w )
e) format partitions: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 ( and 2)
4) mount formatted partitions:
a) create mount points (if not exist) mkdir /mnt/sda1 (and 2)
b) mount /dev/sda1 (and 2) /mnt/sda1 (and 2)
5) copy your .nfi image to storage device (found copying to 2nd partition best) -- OpenATV 5.1 not working (/usr/bin/ line 104: 2240 Segmentation fault) newnigma2 works perfectly
6) extract .nfi:
a) nfidump --overwrite /mnt/sda2/image.nfi /mnt/sda1
7) update boot directory
a) mount -o remount,rw /boot
b) copy and overwrite the kernel cp /mnt/boot/vmlinux.gz /boot (or you can do it with FTP)
c) update both autoexec*.bat to:
only line with root=/dev/ needs updating:
/boot/bootlogo-dm800se.elf.gz filename=/boot/bootlogo-dm800se.jpg
/boot/vmlinux-3.2-dm800se.gz root=/dev/sda1 rootdelay=10 rw console=ttyS0,115200
NOTE: root=/dev/sda1 - change this to: root=/dev/whatever is your device where you extracted image...
8) reboot
9) the result:
Let me know if I missed anything...
As usual - if you chose to do it - do it at your own risk
what's needed:
1) a storage device
2) Telnet & FTP client's
3) nfidump
1) boot your dreambox and connect via telnet
2) check if storage is mounted and umount it (USB, MC, HDD)
a) print mount table: mount
b) umount storage (anuthing pointing to your device /dev/sda* /dev/sdb* /dev/disk/...*):
umount /mnt/HDD /mnt/usb ...
3) create Linux partition via telnet:
a) fdisk /dev/sda
b) print ( p ) partition table and clear it ( d )
c) create partitions (as many as you like) 1 needs to be LINUX EXT3 or 4 (this post is based on 2 partition example)
d) write config ( w )
e) format partitions: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 ( and 2)
4) mount formatted partitions:
a) create mount points (if not exist) mkdir /mnt/sda1 (and 2)
b) mount /dev/sda1 (and 2) /mnt/sda1 (and 2)
5) copy your .nfi image to storage device (found copying to 2nd partition best) -- OpenATV 5.1 not working (/usr/bin/ line 104: 2240 Segmentation fault) newnigma2 works perfectly
6) extract .nfi:
a) nfidump --overwrite /mnt/sda2/image.nfi /mnt/sda1
7) update boot directory
a) mount -o remount,rw /boot
b) copy and overwrite the kernel cp /mnt/boot/vmlinux.gz /boot (or you can do it with FTP)
c) update both autoexec*.bat to:
only line with root=/dev/ needs updating:
/boot/bootlogo-dm800se.elf.gz filename=/boot/bootlogo-dm800se.jpg
/boot/vmlinux-3.2-dm800se.gz root=/dev/sda1 rootdelay=10 rw console=ttyS0,115200
NOTE: root=/dev/sda1 - change this to: root=/dev/whatever is your device where you extracted image...
8) reboot
9) the result:
Let me know if I missed anything...