Here only Bootlogos purely!!! A raw file must its guidance. in the 1. To find contribution now the version 0.5. Thus times bootlogo inserted now. This is indicated as for a long time as possible with boats. Logo the file is in raw the format with a dissolution 720x576 and a depth of shade of 24 bits. The colors are stored in the order BGR. So now can you Logos tinker. Default the Logo is under /tmp/usb/BA (1)/ba/tools/logo/default.raw Logos for the image must to have to be found under /data and logo.raw be called. Much fun with test GOst4711 Boat manager for Barry all v0.5 Guidance for Baboot 0.5 0. from the Flash boats 1st angehagene file 2nd file after baboot_v0.5.tar.gz /tmp copies 3rd CD unpacks /tmp 4th tar xzf baboot_v0.5.tar.gz 5th CD baboot 6th / 7th sync 9th box can again be started and it should a boat menu appear.
Barry Allen logo...
Still one!! On the fast!
I try to open with ifranview default.raw, all Plugins am installed. That comes here:
Who does not possess Paintshop can also a Freewareprog to use thereby leave already finished RAW korigiern, unfortunately only for win98/XP/2000 generic terms with Vista goes oneself no notion.
Property times one made!!! Find it looks correctly good!!
new Bootmenu
Again a very beautiful for the AAF 1.4a....
Anchor one!! on the fast one!Noch eins!! Smoking AAF.
And to better last (for today), which for our adult... Some Sexy.