20W NSS7 Feeds


I was almost surprised with this satellite comming with feeds. I tried my luck and i got 9db even with rain on the 720p and 1080i feeds about the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Feed 1:

Fréquence: 12636 - Pol: H - SR: 4750 - FEC: -
Catégorie: Sport - Autres
Transmis en: MPEG-4
Infos: About 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi(s2,hdtv)


Fréquence: 12642 - Pol: H - SR: 4750 - FEC: -
Catégorie: Sport - Autres
Transmis en: MPEG-4
Infos: About 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi(s2,hdtv)

Feed 3:

Fréquence: 12649 - Pol: H - SR: 4750 - FEC: -
Catégorie: Sport - Autres
Transmis en: MPEG-4
Infos: espn esp for olympics game dvbs2 hd

I never got any feed with rain on this satellite or almost any other due to extreme bad weather and waves on the cost i live, but it is amazing something like this, loving the challenges :)