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  1. P

    lnb problem

    hi. i didn't post for a long time but i need a help. i have neo 501 and till saturday he worked just fine. then astra went down (i have 2 lnb's astra 19.2 and hotbird 13.0 i hope i have write good). today i have called a guy from sat shop to fix it. first we have seen that one lnb isnt anymore...
  2. P


    jel neko možda probal spojiti t-comov MAXtvipp 330HD Scientific atlanta reciver prek usb-a s pcjem i pokrenut prek winclipa? zanima me dal postoji kakav način da se s tog reca snima na pc? možda glupo pitanje al eto tu je.
  3. P


    hi have one question. thos someone know whats the name and singer of the song that goes on premiere sport before premiere league start? it goes in the back of the showing goals of premiere league. i just cant put her out of my head. thx
  4. P


    imam jedno pitanje. malo je offtopic ali neka. jel zna ko kak se zove pjesma koja ide na premiere sport prije premier lige gdi se pokazuju golovi iz premier lige i ko je pjeva. jednostavno mi nejde iz glave. hvala unaprijed