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  • hello, i have installed the fw edision on my amiko mini hd265 when i turn it on the written edision then a error that says:

    sw is not designed for this hw. pleae back original fw

    how can i solve i have urgency to use fw edision on amiko. if i provide you with a small edision h265 fw patch can you make it compatible with your amiko mini hd 265 clone? thank you

    I have attached fw of edision piccollino h265 s2 with the patch to convert for amiko mini hd 265.


    h t t p s://easyupload.io/u29hoq
    Good morning,
    U gave a link in the forum for a enigma2 of topfield of which I owned one of this receiver and wanted to patch but to my surprise all link are dead can u please give me a working link.pass day tried to see if I can get any but all failed, counting on u
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