hey fankoosh i downloaded you openpli back up image and im trying to install tspanel but i wont install tried telnet same thing when i go into the menu nothing there..... help pls
root@dm800se:~# opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel (7.3) on root.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-tspanel.
update-alternatives: Linking //sbin/blkid to blkid.e2fsprogs
restarting Busybox Periodic Command Scheduler: crond... stopping Busybox Periodic Command Scheduler: crond... no crond found; none killed
* *
* plugin installed successfully *
* *
* E2 restart is required *
* *
* By Mahmoud Faraj(mFaraj57)-Tunisia-sat.com,dreamoem.com *
*Thanks for support by sim2 team *