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  • Pershendetje vella, kam nevoj per ndihm rreth amico micro hd spo di si ti rregulloj channel list,spo mundem ti fus kanalet e hotbird 13.0 eutelsat 28.2 edhe kanalet tjera a mundesh mem ndihmu me shkruaj te lutem
    Ju faliminderit.
    Pershendetje , a bon me ma dergu Profilin tond ne Facebook pom vyn mem ndihmu qysh me i qel qito far tqim nane Ip-ve :p
    Hello friend reporting from Podgorica interest of me is there with you to buy cloud and barefoot and costs greeting
    Pershendetje "Kam nje opticum x405p i cili ka nje defekt vetem ristartohet pra nuk aktivizohet fare dhe nuk po mundem ta lidhi as me RS232 " a mundesh me ndihmu si ta qbllokoj.
    prshendetje dreamer a mundesh mem tregu nje chanel list per AMIKO 8300 te fundit me digitab dhe tring edhe a punon ky lloj reciveri me Web-tv
    please i put the last firmware edision piccolo id falling,i take the firmware black synaps rc1 ,i put the firmware before of this black synapd is ok what i do i wait answear
    Tung dreamer1983

    Cilen amiko hd ma pate permend per me blejt. Kam degjuar se amiko alien hd eshte shum mir. A do ta kishit sugjeruar ta blej. Kisha edhe pyetje specifike por preferoj qe ti lam ne pm. Flm me nder qofsh
    Can you modify ali m3329c truman 1.4.14 firmware for upc direct?
    I need this sw,problem is remote control on yumatu with galaxy sw.
    hi there, i am not sur eif you got a chance to read this posting so ive pasted it to you if thats ok
    I was wondering if you can help me. I have a friend who was using an opticom hd x 7 series on a server and the guy supplying him has gone off the air.
    his box has an 8 digit password preventing me from looking at or changing his server details.
    Can I factory reset this box or can i get some firmware that will allow me use an rs232 lead to reset the box?
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